Good grief, this is only the sixth one?!?!?! Eh bien, such is life and all that rot.....anyway, here we goes again with yet another dose of...
Offbeat News
(Volume 6)
"Real Life. Weird People."
Well, They Both Start With The Letter "C".....
A man in Colfax Township, Michigan, told authorities he shot his neighbor's cow in error. He thought it was a coyote.
For those who may be animal-recognition deficient:
Top image: COW
Bottom Image: COYOTE
The cow, named "Hannah", had wandered away from her home farm when she was shot and killed by the 42-year old man. He told the local undersherriff, Rory Heckman, he was out shooting coyotes when he mistakenly hit Hannah. "The part of his story he his holding to is he shot at a coyote. I don't know how he hit a several-thousand-pound cow mistaking it for a coyote," Heckman said. He also pointed out that shooting coyotes is illegal anyway during deer-shooting season.
The cow's owner, DeAnn Mosher, is also uncertain how someone could mistake a 1,400 pound pregnant cow for a 20-45 pound coyote. ""My husband thought that he should go through some therapy looking at repeated pictures of cows and coyotes, because they look nothing alike."
The somewhat confused hunter was apprehended while attempting to drag the cow's body home.
NekoNote: Personally, I doubt there was any confusion on the gunman's part. I'll take beef steak over coyote steak anyday.
Why America Doesn't Go Metric
In Dublin, Ireland, a 31-year old man was clocked driving 180 kph in a 100 kph zone. Normally the speeder would be charged with "driving dangerously", which would mean the driver's licence would be revoked. However, the County District judge reduced his sentence to "driving carelessly" (which only carries a fine of 1,000 Euros) on the grounds that when the driver's speed was converted to miles instead of kilometers, it didn't sound so bad (in miles, 180 km is approximately equal to 112 miles).
NekoNote: Yeah, but that's 7,086,614.17 inches per hour!
Whose Leg Is This, Anyway?
A South Carolina man who stored his severed leg in a barbecue smoker that was later auctioned off is locked in a custody dispute with a North Carolina man who found it.
In 2004, John Wood's leg was amputated at the knee following a plane crash. He asked the doctors if he could keep the leg, citing that he 'wanted to be buried with it, as a whole man'. He decided to keep the amputated limb in a smoker that was kept in a rental storage unit where it remained until August 2007. After missing several rent payments, all items in storage were claimed by the storage company and auctioned off to Shannon Whisnant, a North Carolina native.
At first, Whisnant was extremely surprised, and turned the leg in to the local police. After it was found to not be the result of foul play, the leg was sent to a funeral home. Whisnant, however, had begun making money by charging admission to see the smoker the leg was found in ($3 adults, $1 kids) and began battling the funeral home for custody of the leg. "He's making a freak show out of it," Wood told The Charlotte Observer for a Monday story. "He wants to put money in his pocket with this thing."
Wood also said, "I just think it's despicable. I don't mind having the 15 minutes of fame, but I'm not looking to really profit off this thing".
NekoNote: This is an older article, so I just want to mention that Mr. Wood has since gotten his leg back. So learn a lesson from this, boys and girls....keep your severed body parts under your bed or something, and not in a rental place.
My Wife Really Is A B!+@#
A New Delhi man wedded a stray female dog Tuesday in a traditional Hindu ceremony. He cited the reason as atonement for his killing two dogs 15 years ago, which left him cursed. P. Selvakumar married the sari-draped former stray named Selvi, chosen by family members and then bathed and clothed for the ceremony Saturday at a Hindu temple in the southern state of Tamil Nadu, the Hindustan Times newspaper said.
The 33-year old man says that several years ago, he stoned two dogs to death and hung their bodies in a tree. Shortly thereafter, " hands and legs became paralyzed and I lost hearing in one ear", Selvakumar claims. An astrologer told Selvakumar that the only way to cure his maladies would be to marry a stray dog - a not uncommon occurence in the more superstitious areas of rural India.
So far, no word has been given on whether the remedy has proven effective.
NekoNote: Could be worse, at least she won't complain if you tell her to bring in the paper.
Redefining "A Bad Hair Day"
In the South China region of Pearl River Delta, people have been purchasing inexpensive, brightly-colored hair bands and ties at local bazaars and flea markets. Averaging about 25 feng (approx. 3 cents American) for a bag of ten, the hot sellers are even made of recycled materials. And therein lies the see, the popular hair accessories are made from used condoms.
"There are a lot of bacteria and viruses on the rubber bands and hair ties made from used condoms", stated a dermatologist at Guangzhou Hospital of Armed Police. "People could be affected with AIDS, warts or other diseases if they hold the rubber bands or strings in their mouths while weaving their hair into plaits or buns". There is also worry that tourists may pick up large quantities of the inexpensive hair bands, and possibly take some infection out of the country.
Chen Wenlan, a resident of Dongguan, was disgusted when she found the elastic bands given to her as a gift from a local beauty salon were made from the recycled condoms. "Many of my friends have not heard the news. It is really terrible", she says.
An official from the Guangzhou Administration of Industry has stated that it's against the law to make products from used condoms, and that the administraton "will punish those who break the rules".
NekoNote: Okay, I could go in a lot of directions with this. But right now all I can say is....*urkkk*....must go wash hair again....
Lug Nut = 1, Idiot = 0
A man in Southworth, Washington was attempting to remove the last lug nut from his right rear tire (after two weeks of working on the car in his back yard). When the lug nut refused to budge, the 66-year old man became frustrated and tried shooting it off with a 12-guage shotgun.
He fired the gun "about an arm's length" from the stubborn wheel, and was promptly peppered with shot and other debris when the blast riccocheted from the metal rim. He was mostly hit in the legs, but some debris hit "as high up as his chin".
Deputy Scott Wilson of Kitsap County said, "Nobody else was there and he wasn't intoxicated. He's bound and determined to get that lug nut off".
South Kitsap Fire And Rescue personnel treated him at the scene before transporting him to Tacoma General Hospital with injuries that were "severe, but not life-threatening".
No word on the condition of the lug nut.
A Few Freebies For All Cop Wannabe's
A pause, here for something of a Public Service Announcement....or at least a temporary reprieve from my usual format....
During my search through a few Odd News Archives, I found two companies looking for information to help snare theives. And depending on your tastes, the rewards could be sweet indeed....
Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream in Melbourne, Florida is offering five years of free ice cream to the person that can identify the robber who stole $160 from the employee's tip jar this past September. "I think it's despicable that someone would steal tip money from teenagers. These kids work hard behind the counter", says Matt Solomon, the owner of the store.
Photos of the thief from the security camera can be found here, if you want to give it a try! The reward is valued at $1,000. Or not a fan of ice cream? Try this one, then....
Croucher Beer of New Zealand recently had a laptop stolen from their factory. The company is a small home brewery, and the laptop contained financial information, contacts, and some design work. "We're grumpy. We're going to have to re-do some of our work" says company owner Paul Croucher. And so, anyone that turns in the thief (or thieves) shall receive FREE BEER FOR LIFE. Well, it amounts to a 12-pack a month. But I have found those two words used in conjunction - "free" and "beer", that is - still tend to get a lot of attention.
On a side note, thanks to everyone that's been PM'ing me over my latest LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG absence. It seems every time I promise to be more active, something happens to keep me from doing so. So I'll try to avoid making another promise over it....and I'll see you when I can! ;)
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