Planetside 2. I think I'll hold off on any more screenshots of this continent until it's officially released. It's pretty cool though.
NeoEnigma's forum posts
Also I didn't know he was banned :o why? he was a cool dude, he always had awesome shots and videos and helped break games when they released haha
I also didn't know PS2 was getting a new continent soon, it looks tasty. I love the colour tones in PS2
I think it was this.
And yeah, Hossin is currently on the test server. The full map isn't playable yet but it looks very good so far. Here are a few more shots (downsampled 5500x2320 -> 2560x1080):
Why is no one in this thread talking about how damn amazing these shots are?!!
I always wodnered what some of your shots would be like in BF3 after seeing your planetside 2 ones. Take some shots on Kiasar Railroad and Alborz please :D
Are you using SweetFX in those shots? I used KyleNcod's SweetFX from GAF and it looks pretty damn ncie with it
Thank you :)
I have very few shots from the snow maps (none from Alborz). Unfortunately, using the free cam tool requires you to play on servers with punkbuster disabled. Those servers are few and far between, and not all maps are avaialble at any given time. Here are some older shots, just for you (captured at a lower res though).
I do use SweetFX. I tend to tweak it per map as the lighting\color changes quite a bit. Still, feel free to link me to the settings you're takling about. (kylen was banned from GAF btw, heh).
HOKAY. So last night I jumped onto the Plantetside 2 test server to give the new continent a trial run. Here are a few shots I snagged... when I wasn't being shot at :)
Beating some dead horses, but don't have much else to play at the moment.
Battlefield 3
NFS: Most Wanted
Does this look medicore/10?
Way too small to judge. Plus it's a weird shot to judge to begin with.
Also, try converting screenshots to PNGs if you really want to judge quality. JPGs will make screenshots look worse if you don't keep the quality at 100%.
I really wish I could get access to Project Cars :(
Been working on my Cheat Engine skills... trying to learn as much as I can about reverse engineering games. My latest case study was changing the time of day in Need for Speed Most Wanted with hotkeys :) Some quick snaps I took while changing it for this scene:
And some different shots:
And a few Battlefield 3 for good measure:
Absolutely NOT. I wish...I've actually been meaning to ask, how do you get those angles? I know some games have mods and/or console commands that let you control the camera, but you seem to do it with every game. Is there some universal method to hijack camera control in all games?
In a lot of these games, I really don't have freedom of camera, but I can manipulate it to SOME degree... and that's enough to "fake it" sometimes. I honestly won't bother grabbing screenshots of a game if I only have basic gameplay angles. Not enough room for creativity, and I'd rather just play those games :)
I'm REALLY persistent though and If I can't find a mod that exists already, sometimes I can use Cheat Engine to make my own. But sometimes I simply can't. Tomb Raider is a good example of that...
Anywho, a bit more Need for Speed Most Wanted (this game just looks awful compared to Project Cars, but I don't have Project Cars sadly)
This is also the first racing game I've ever played outside of Mario Kart....
This game does have a free camera mod, which is nice because it works when you pause the game. The mod has a key that hides the menu so you can pause in the middle of a crash, for example, and play with the camera to get a cool shot :)
You guys aren't serious :P
Professional photographers don't ruin our enjoyment of making photographs nor do professional gamers ruin our enjoyment of playing games. Just because someone is better at something doesn't mean you suck at it.
Not only that, but my approach is clearly different. I'm definitely not showing anyone what they might expect while playing these games. I tend to have a more cinematic approach. But there's definitely value in "gameplay" screenshots. If everyone did screenshots like me, that'd get boring pretty quick I think. And you'd never know what the HUD in games looked like :P
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
^^ that last one was shot through a police car's lights when flashing red
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