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Gaming: 720p VS 1080p

So you're deciding to get a HDTVbut you're not entirely sure what route to go down. I will admit that today you can get a 1080p HDTV at a much cheaper price; in fact that's probably the obvious choice considering cost. But let say you want to save even more money, and perhaps you have a small room(a bedroom for example). A 32" HDTV is a terrific choice as well. When it comes to gaming for both the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360 the majority of your games are native to a 720p resolution. Both systems can upscale to 1080p but the Xbox 360's(you needHDMI)method of doing so is a bit better. Upscaling just makes the image bigger on larger HDTVs without a significant lost in the image quality.

If you're playing games like Killzone 2, Resident Evil 5, Gears of War 2, and Call of Duty: World at War in 720p you're not missing out on anything. Videogames look beautiful in 720p! But when it comes to watching HD movies in Blu-Ray; you'll start to see a difference between 720p and 1080p. A lot of Blu-Ray movies are native to 1080p, and having at least a 46" HDTV that uses the resolution will allow you to see a more crisp image. There's a Sharp Blu-Ray player downstairs attached to a much larger HDTV, while in my bedroom I have a 32" HDTV. I definitely can see a difference in films then in videogames. So if you want to buy that smaller HDTV to play videogames on while you sit in bed, and save some extra cashthen go ahead.

Also if you're looking for a Blu-Ray player make sure you buy a good one. My Sharp BD player downstairs can't play all Blu-Ray movies(which you might know from my past blog entries). Also updating firmware for your player might be needed to play new releases. Plus loading times can be long. My sharp took about 5 minutes to load The Dark Knight. The PS3 is probably still considered one of the best(if not the best) Blu-Ray player on the market. And it loads movies pretty well in comparison to my Sharp.

New games!

Ok. Soit's theweekend andit has been absolutely great! Friday night I started replaying Final Fantasy XII. It's been awhile since I've touched the game, and because of that it feels brand new. I can't even recall some of the scenes that have been shown so far. The gameplay is definitely more welcoming. I still can't stand some of the music in this game. It's not horrendous. Sometimes it's hard to distinguish certain themes. Right now I only have two that I can even recall excluding the reoccuring themes of Final Fantasy.

I have some new games. In fact, I just bought them 20 minutes ago from Wal-Mart after going out for a few drinks. The first game is MadWorld for the Wii, and the second is LittleBigPlanet for the Playstation 3. My third games is Resident Evil 5 for the Xbox 360. I had a hard time deciding which version to get of RE5. But I whenjumped on to Xbox Live there were already 3 Live Parties of 8 playing Resident Evil 5! So it was even more obvious what version I was going to be playing since the game has online co-op. I saw MGS4 for $50 but I didn't want to spend too much. And with Killzone and Warhawk feeling brand new, Ihave a lot of games to play. Plus my MGS Essential Collection isn't opened yet!

Adam Sessler's RE5 Review?

I think both gamers and critics a like have been a bit more skeptical of Resident Evil 5 after the demo. But many people hope that the game will shine. Before I get into it, I loved Resident Evil 2 and 4! The 4th installment was definitely a much needed improvement over the original 3 on the Playstation, and Resident Evil 0 on the GameCube. I personally felt timid about RE5 after the demo simply because the controls didn't make any advancement since the last game, considering how farthe action genre has come. Not to mention the singleplayer AI made me shake my head.

Today is the day Resident Evil 5 is released, and many gamers are out playing with it! One of the most conflicting reviews it received was from X-Play's Adam Sessler. It received an average score of a 3 out 5. From all the good reviews I've seen much of the cons remained the same throughout each overview, including at X-Play. Adam's review is definitely hype, innovation, and potential versus the actual design of the game.

There's the video review, written review, and Adam's Soapbox which is really interesting. The Soapbox(which was done before the video review was posted) has Adam talking about why he gave RE5 a score below the medium most critics are giving it. The thing is, he makes a veryinteresting point which is really hard to argue against. At the sametime he also say that it's all up to the gamer's gut feeling to decide what he or she enjoys.

With that said, and my own previous opinion I am now kind of hesistant. I not only want to purchase RE5. I also would like MadWorld, LBP, Tales of Vesperia, and MGS4. But I don't want to be a greedy gamer so I am only choosing two this afternoon.

The internet is working!

For those who play online games with me on Xbox Live, you already know that Time Warner has seriously been slacking when it comes to providing me with a internet service. Since last Fall I couldn't probably use the internet to do anything. There was a window opened between 12pm and 6pm that granted me access. What the hell was going on? Some nights were better then usual, but I simply could not surf the web. This not only effected my everday use of it on the computer but also online gaming. Not to mention Xbox Live Parties were horrible since I couldn't hold a VoIP connection.

It was simply packet loss, and I don't remember how many times I called a tech guy out here from Time Warner to take a look. I would have went withAT&T but my security system causes problems for DSL. Last week my connection went blank after the snow storm hit the Southeast. I took a day to get a consistent connection, but after that happened things have been running just fine! And just in time too! It makes it easier to not only enjoy NHL 09 but also the new PS3.

Last night I had dinner with my parents. I made some homemade pizza and salad which was really cheap compared to ordering delivery. It turned out really well. In fact I am thinking about making some more right now for lunch.

Day 2 with the PS3!

Oh yeah. I wanted to tell everyone how I actually purchased my PS3. I was actually going to Wal-Mart, but before I left I decided to check Craigslist. I found a PS3 for less then $300. I texted the seller and lucky for me they lived in the same town. It was a mother and father who were selling their son's PS3 that they got him two months ago. The PS3 is in perfect condition! They even gave me the 2 year warranty! I kept my mouth shut on the price because I couldn't mess up on a transaction like this. At the sametime they probably already knew. The family lived in the old part of Summerville. Since it's historic it's expensive to live there, so I knew they had some money. The house was huge too; I guess they just wanted to do a favor for the buyer. What a deal.

At Wal-Mart I bought the last Warhawk/bluetooth headset combo which which was less then $30 and close to the digital price seen on the PSN. There were a bunch of Killzone 2 games as well so that was easy to find. I was going to get MadWorld for the Wii but I'm havingto much fun with Killzone 2. Let me just say that Killzone 2 does have many people who use some type of headset. I learn that after playing last night. I wish they would use the squad systemthough.

Warhawk is giving me mixed feeling. Mainly because I was going into it thinking about Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge on the original Xbox. It's nothing like that; it's pretty much a frag fest. I wonder how well the ranking system works as well, because I can't get anything started when I play. With that said, I think I'm going to continue to play NHL 09 and Skate 2 on my Xbox 360. I also decided to get a Playstation 2 controller so I can play Final Fantasy XII again. Hopefully I'll get MadWorld sometime soon; maybe even today?

Also.......I never been a big baseball fan but after watching gameplay footage for MLB 09: The Show I might become one. That game looks so real it's unbelievable!

PS3 first impression!

Time to talk about the Playstation 3. I bought Warhawk and Killzone 2 like I said. Before I get into the actual games I'll talk about the Playstation 3 itself. This console is quiet in comparison to the Xbox 360! Not to mention the connectivity and multimedia options are definitely there. I spent over an hour wandering around Home, and checking out the Playstation Network. Here's my take on it:

The Playstation Store is definitely more then what people claim it to be. The biggest attraction for the online store has to be the ability to download full retail games, demos, PSOne titles, and even purchase PSP games. The only downside to this is not all full games offer a free trial. That's where Xbox Live is definitely ahead.

The video store does one thing better then Xbox Live; the ability to purchase movies instead of just renting them. I find that very attractive! Of course the collection isn't as big but when it comes to renting films you'll have the option of getting those new releases. The TV network isn't on par with Live since Microsoft has so many partners. Not to mention Netflix is available to Gold members.

The community of the PSN can feels a bit disjointed because not every player stresses communication in online gaming. There are a few chatters, but you can often enter many online sessions where you're the only owner with a mic. I find myself looking back at the Xbox 360 version of NHL 09, or even Call of Duty 4 wondering if I could have the same fun with the PS3 counterpart. In my honesty opinion; no.

Especially with NHL 09 where communication is the key and it's fun. A few days ago, I was playing the hockey game online in the EASHL. And if it wasn't for the coordination created by the voices I heard, I think it would have made it much harder to win. We were tied in the last minute of the game. The opposing team made it 5-4 with 54 seconds left. Some how I got the puck, and there was just so much traffic in front of the goalie I manage to get up close(as a defenseman) and bang one in exactly when all my teams shouted "SHOOT!".

It turned into a Disney miracle with me getting the puck in the net between the goalie's legs; a tough shot at that! And all I could remember was everyone on the team shouting in excitement, and complimenting me on the shot. That's what you like to hear. Eventually we won in overtime.

I've played a couple of sessions with Warhawk, and it was a full house. But absolutely silent! Killzone 2 online is amazing, but it too can be quiet. Then again, people with mics are so into the game they're totally in that "mode" because I certainly was. Killzone 2 is an amazing game, and probably one of the most intense shooters I have EVER played in my lifetime.

The only thing that really stands out when comparing the online services is that Xbox Live's community has more personality regardless of how crazy it can get at sometimes. Otherwise my "first impression" of the PS3 is simply good.

PSN ID: NeoGen85

Getting a PS3 Day!

I had planson waking up really late and then getting ready to get the PS3. I got a call from mother and she wanted me to drive her to work. So now I am home waiting on my mom who is "still" getting ready. The money has been sitting in the bank and my fingers are itching to spend it. I decided to get a PS3, Warhawk, Killzone 2, a bluetooth headset, and a HDMI cable. I also need to get a new Playstation 2 controller.

I do plan on getting Metal Gear Solid 4 later on simply because I still have the MGS Essential Pack that comes with the other 3 games in the series. Anyway, check back later today for some gaming explosion and updates! I'll be playing the PS3 all today. But of course I haven't forgotten about my Xbox Live comrades; my offensive defenseman is still enjoying the extra points in NHL 09! And dare I say it? MADWORLD on the Wii! Wal-mart here I come..and Gamestop lateron for MadWorld if you have it.

::walks to the car::

My 2009 list Updated

When I look at 2009, it's hard to believe that I won't be playing a English version of Final Fantasy XIII. As an Xbox 360 owner I'm also looking forward to more exclusives, but there hasn't been anything announced besides what has already released. The Nintendo Wii I think has the most ambitious exclusives. As far as the PS3 goes I still think it's a matter of appeal.


[The Conduit] - FPS

I really want to try out this first person shooter on the Wii. It just looks so accessible and easy to get into. Plus there's online multiplayer up to 16 players with voice chat using Wii Speak. I can't wait!

[Little King Story] - Strategy RPG

This is one of the most anticipated RPGs of the year. Wacky and fun is the perfect description of this game. It throws strategy elements into the gameplay so you can expand your kingdom in its massive world.

[Wii Sport Resort] - Party Game

I gotta say, after having my extended family over to play the Wii(I wish I filmed it), I think I need more games like Wii Sports. I won't have to worry because Wii Sport Resort is coming out with compatibility to the new Wii MotionPlus. And there are tons of new games to enjoy.

[Notable Mentions]

Muramasa: The Demon Blade - Action RPG

MadWorld - Action

Fragile - RPG

Arc Rise Fantasia - RPG

Cursed Mountain - Survival Horror


[Heavy Rain] - Interactive

If you liked Indigo Prophecy then I think you should take a look at Heavy Rain. The game looks great, they're multiple characters to play, and hours of suspense in a non-linear story. This isn't your ordinary videogame.

[Massive Action Game] - Shooter

I think all console gamers who enjoy shooters are really intrigued by MAG. It has a unique server architecture allowing 256 players online to duke it out, 8 player squads, and a interesting ranking system. Not to mention tons of weapons and vehicles to bombard your opponent.

Xbox 360

[Lost Planet 2] - 3rd Person Shooter

Do I sense some influence from Monster Hunter? Anyway, Lost Planet 2 looks absolutely awesome. There appears to be more multiplayer options for both versus and co-op mode. This was definitely a surprise for Xbox 360 owners.


[Diablo III] - Action RPG

Why fix something that isn't broken. And take make it even more tasty, add a bunch of cheese on top! Diablo III looks too refined, and tight! All the character ****s look awesome, and the action is still massive. What else can I say?

[Jumpgate Evolution] - MMO Shooter

There's EVE Online out on the market and the future Universe Online. Jumpgate Evolution revives the JG franchise to create an open universe much like the games I just listed with many RPG elements. Yet, it still maintains its action-based gameplay and plenty of space dogfighting.


[Batman: Arkham Asylum] - Action-Adventure

All I can say is wow! I've been a Batman fan since I was a child. Plus both Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy are reprising their roles as the Joker and Batman! The atmosphere is dark and twisted. Batman never looked so cool in a videogame.

[Kingdom Under Fire 2] - MMO, RTS, Action, thing...

After playing Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusader on the Xbox, I never understood why people still put up with games like Dynasty Warriors. I say this because KUF creates an atmosphere where battles are massive. Remember in Return of the King where the cavalry ran into all those orcs! Imagine a strategy game that could have battles that large. You not only control every individual group(like pikemen, cavalry, flying units, etc) on the battle but you also control a hero hacking away at other units just like you would in DW. That's KUF2 in a nut shell, and boy does it look pretty.

[Alan Wake] - Action, Psychological Thriller

I pray to God that this game isn't vaporware. Max Payne has been in limbo but his creators have created Alan Wake. This game is one of the most ambitious titles of 2009. It's not only a technological masterpiece, but the story is very intriguing.

[Notable Mentions]

DJ Hero - Music

NHL 2010 - Sports

Red Dead Redemption - Action-Adventure

Champions Online - MMORPG

Dragon Age - RPG

Rage - FPS/Racing

Operation Flashpoint 2 - FPS

Dark Void - Action

Dead Rising 2 - Action

Battlefield 1943 - FPS

Cheating Gamers

Imagine that you just bought a new videogame for yourself that you can't wait to play. You decide to jump online for some multiplayer action. Of course there are some skilled players, but after a week passes you notice that you're working harder to achieve a win. It's frustrating; and then you realize that the majority of the users are cheating!

Has anyone been in that situation? For almost two months I was dealing with that in NHL 09. They have the EA Sports Hockey League in the game where you create a individual player, join a player-created team, and play 6 on 6. At the end of each game your player is rated on his performance, and once you reach a certain overall rating you get a new player card(rookie, vet, superstar, legend, etc) that gives you experience points to level up your stats.

Now if you played an EA sports game, you know that a player who has an overall rating of 99 is indeed a must have on your team. Well, imagine almost every player in the EASHL of NHL 09 cracking their stats to make themselves an overall of 99 which is impossible(the max online is around 80 or 85). As a gamer who's playing fair or a new player trying to have some fun; it is really hard to not get angry when an entire team is stronger and faster.

Whatyou don't realize is that it will also make you a better player. For those who were playing fair in NHL 09 through those tough times I am glad to say that EA Sport not onlybanned players for using the 99er glitch, but now they have fixed it entirely. They've put limits on goalie sizes, and undisciplined players will spend more time in the sin-bin.

For myself I played defense all season, and it was hard to accept some of the oddest goals going in our net because cheating players had a high accurate shot. Or that a forward could out hit harder then someone like myself. Playing in the EASHL with the new rulesis amore balanced game.

My first 3 games were spectacular! I gained 5 assists with a 7-3 win, 3 assists in a 3-0 win, and in the third game I scored 1 goal with 2 assist in a 3-1 win. I'm now having more fun playing online! Check out this goal I scored in OT! I was playing with three forwards who never past the puck to me. My first shot on the goalie of that game goes in, and wins it!

I need everyone's help!

Ihave a bunch of cool track jackets(which I'm a big fan of). I have a bunch of Adidas track jackets. But I also have some unique ones too; one I always like to wear is the Wii Sports jacket. Anyway, I found a Decepticon track jacket. It's black and grey with the Decepticon logo on the front. On the back it has the same logo blown up and it says police. BUT IT'S TOO BIG! HOW CAN I SHRINK IT?!