Well, the point of the term "butterfly effect" is that small events have long-term unpredictable consequences, and yet here you are asking what would have happened. :P Anyway, if Hitler died then, then that would mean that everything was already different. Since as far as I'm concerned a deterministic cause-and-effect view of the universe is the only one that makes sense, meaning that there is exactly only one way things can occur, the question itself in some ways doesn't really make sense. Since everything is interconnected, essentially you are asking for one particular thing to somehow be different without other things at that moment also being different. I can't really comprehend how that is possible. It's like these stupid "parallel universe" ideas where the same people would be alive but do slightly different things. No, that's stupid. Those people wouldn't even exist since their parents (who also would not have existed anyway) would have also had different lives and thus never even met each other, and even if they had, it would not have been the same child. It's not like every child a couple has is identical. So, in my view the question is meaningless, and that is my explanation as to why. SpaceMoose
I'll take pseudo-intellectual for $1000, Alex. :roll:
You sit there and try acting like David Bohm and say why you think the question is stupid, but the rationale you put forth only validates it. "Things are already different because Hitler died".....that's the point!
Hitler's actions reverberate even now. You take him out of the equation and the development of countries, civilizations, their paths of technology also change greatly.
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