New-Gamer's forum posts
I just finished the game and all I have to say is that this is the best single player game I've played this gaming generation.
Please no fanboy remarks. Let's just all savior this moment, because who knows when will this glorious feeling will make a return.
Also, I was thinking. Gamers like me played Metal Gear games in the past before and I enjoyed them which made me enoy this one even more. But I was thinking how about the people who never played a single Metal Gear game. I could imagine how confuse they would be because I'm still confuse with some of the things I've seen. I'll wikipedia it in a minute.
MGS4 10.0 > GTA IV 10.0 (with no exclusive episodic content)
Dude, you were talking mad crap on MGS4 a few days earlier. Are you fakeboying it? I got a PS3 for MGS4 and I am a lem, my attacks regarding MGS4 are mostly on those acting like it descended from heaven because the console god made it.
Whats with the online hate, it only takes me about 3 minutes to get in a match and i actually think its really funepic_pets
It takes 15 - 20 minutes to get all of the GameID's and Konami ID's in order, then you customize your guy, blah blah blah. The matchmaking works fine. About one or two minutes to get into a game. It's almost exactly like MGS3S multiplayer. I was expecting a lot of gameplay changes, but sadly there weren't many. Love MGS, MGO just lacks a lot to be truly mind blowing. MGO will never be a COD.
I'm on Act 4 now and it's a 9.5 for me so far. It would be a 9.0 if I included multiplayer. The MP is a dragfest. After taking 25 minutes to get set up (it literally takes that long) the matches just aren't that compelling. After playing good MP, COD4, Halo 3, CSS, Socom, etc and then playing MGO it feels like a big time let down.
The MP in my opinion is great as like a "Look guys you can play online too!" type of thing. MGS4 is single player only as far as I'm concerned. The episodic nature of the Acts make it seem longer but the cutscenes in between Acts kill the momentum of the great gameplay. Anyone else feel this way? I mean I love the story, but after each Act, I feel like putting the game down for the day because the cutscenes are 20-30 minutes.
First of all, most of your "points" have nothing to do with the hardware.
Second, if GTA freezing is because of the PS3s poor hardware, how do you explain Bully for 360 freezing? Is that due to poor 360 hardware? Or do you make a whole new excuse when Rockstar has the same glitches on the 360?
Bully was made by mad doc software. Mad doc was bought by Rockstar after Bully was released for the 360. Mad doc doesn't usually make games like that. They are known for making the Empire Earth series. The game has since been patched and works great. Rockstar's heads were pissed that mad doc screwed up the port.
Meanwhile, considering Rockstar and GTA games are NEVER the most graphically advanced, and ALWAYS have had glitches in them...I don't get why you would consider them as the pinacle of development in the first place.
Visually, maybe not. Technically, GTAIV is one of the best looking games ever. Are you blind? Have you ever seen an open world game do that much on screen with no load times after the initial load?
Haha it's official. It's hyped 7.0-9.0. Won't be a flop unless it gets less than a 7.0. Can't wait for it to get a 8.5 and all cows go OMG TEH FLOP IT WAS HYPED AAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're also going to have to give up your claim to gamerankings if you accept this as AAAA.CaseyWegner
Come on now, thats no fair. Can't they just be fanboys and not listen to any sort of reason whatsoever?
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