Nintendo is in trouble and this time it can't be ignored.
"Nintendoooomed!" jokes won't save Sheep now, because now it's not a joke, and on January 30 there won't be any laughing from the Nintendo board of directors
Meanwhile Sony lose $5 billion a year and cows say everythings fine.
I think it took the DS about 2 years to hit 11.5 mil in the US. So the 3DS ain't too far behind. Although world wide, it's a little more behind, but again, not too far.
It's back by a full year bro
In the US not quite, 3DS released 27th march 2011.
DS hit 11.5m around Feb/March 2007 so took 2 years 3-4 months.
3DS hit 11.5 in December so took 2 years 8 month.
So 3DS is about 4-5 months behind the DS in the US.
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