Hello, dear readers. I'm in something of a muddle. I just can't comprehend it. It. Doesn't. Make. Sense.
The news has arrived that the PS3 is the fastest selling home console in the UK.
Yeah. Um. WHAT?
Let me see now... No one I know, at all, or have even heard of... Has bought one. All the stores across the country... Are not sold out. The stores around here, in my area, at least, did not recieve massively more stock than the 360 or Wii. We've all seen the pictures, from across the country, empty launch events in Birmingham, Sheffied, Newcastle, London's event being massively dissapointing. The only place where it seemed it sold worse than here was in France, where they had 95% unsold.
And with good reason. We pay the most for it. In the world. And along with the rest of Europe we got the "downgraded" PS3. We aren't usually dumb consumers and from everyones initial reactions, it seemed like we weren't.
Where... the HELL did Sony get all those sales? I mean seriously. It's so difficult to comprehend. Doesn't seem possible. It's like official figures are having a war with my eyes and mind.
Absolutely nuts. Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly "hating" on Sony here. Good for them. And good for competition therefore... But seriously... How the **** did this happen? Answers on a postcard please.
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