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Nicholai69 Blog

RE5 deathmatch style?!?

It sounded bad in theory and now i can at least assure you that, well it lives up to its many predictions sadly.

RE5's ''dlc'' was released today and like the RE addicted sap I am i still payed up the £4 to get me abit of Wesker+Wesker taking down Chris+Chris :P I knew exactly what i was going in for, but honestly the possible inclusion of extra characters really had me hyped to finally get me some time with a next-gen barry burton!! :D....but yeah to no avail.

Like we all know RE5 versus' mode has you pitted against other plays, while also having the hordes of majini in between. You have slayers which has you trying to wrack up a score with your characters initial weapon loadout annd the other mode which i can't quite remember the name to, but what i do remember is its the ''exact'' same as slayers. Only difference is really is that you start off with a handgun and now must look around for the better fire power.

You score points complete with the extra additive ofa timer to keep the pace fastn frantic, just like mercenaries, only difference is really is that you may come across the other players and can then at least try n mow them down for a few extra points.

But of course we can simply imagine how that plays out, its awrkward, frustrating and basically half-arsed into giving some PvP gameplay. You still can't move while shooting or even reloading so whoever has the better, or more importanlty faster, weapon will always come out on top. All the weapons work on other plays just like majini, u can put them on fire, place proximity mines and when their in their dieing state u can finish em off with the characters uber-melee attack.

It gets old really fast frankly. The only plus side to it all is having 4 players now working together, which if implemented into the mercs minigame as just that, would of made much more sense and also simply been more fun.

The same 4 characters+costumes also can have like 3 Chris' running around which maaybe a lil humorous seeing klassic STARS chris being shot down by his metrosexual alter-ego Safari chris, but overall is a lil silly and i would of obviously much prefer they just bring in more bloody characters!! :evil:

No extra levels and the only real goal is to get a few extra trophies/achievments. Theres leaderboards but if the game mode itself won't be bringing you back theirs no point.

So yeah, its a pretty substantial amount of fail right aboot here. One plus is it like takes 3 seconds to download+install....but of course we all know why that is....becauses its already on the friggen disc hidden beneath requirin a few extra quid to unlock :evil: Even at its price, i tink its far from worth it, sure some may still get it just to finally have ultimate duo of Chris+Sheva vs wesker+jill...or maybe even wesker+sheva vs chris+jill?? the possibilities are endless!!....Oh wait, no their not :evil:

Jill: Oh no!! I'm about to be blasted by Wesker, i must now quickly dodge the bullet through bullet time much like you see me doing in the cutscenes...wait...I can't move?!? :?

Wesker: Blast it all! I wont do as much damage as i could with this shotgun if maybe i was a few feet closer, but whats this?? Someones nailed me to the floor!! :evil:

Nowhere to go but down. Part III

Resident Evil 5

Overall Critic score-8.7

Overall Player score-8.9

My score-8.5

Resident Evil 5 is possibly the least dissapointing, but only in the sense of how much was to be expected through the trailers and CAPCOMS many viewable previews. RE5 totally scrapped the survival horror genre and went forward in a new mmore action packed and ammo heavy direction.

Its basically what the people were promised, yet they would still somehow subtley try and make out that the horror aspect was still intact. This was to cater to the many fans that were turned off and felt maybe even betrayed with the new foundation to which the series is developed upon.

Whatever the reason, it was hardly matched to what RE5 gave us. RE4 may have really dryed the fear out of RE with the heavy armory you always had carrieing around, but some excellent night sections and some still creepy enviroments managed to give a slight edge with its suspense. RE5 has lot even what remained in RE4 to coin it to the ****c RE formula.

RE5 seems to be having some sort of identity crisis. At one point it aims to be an intense shooter while at other times it wants to be some sort of slow paced horror title. It fails with the horror and the action portion, well i say portion but i basically mean the whole game :roll:, is done very well but still lacking in certain area's. Limited maneuvarbility throughout, be it behind cover, shooting or simply traversing through Africa.

RE5 like we all know, is an intentionally drasticly different direction from what RE is known for. Its not what I'de prefer, but even with the path CAPCOM have chosen for their series of old, it still needs alot of work.

RE5 could of kept what it was initially planned but also keep intact some of what gave RE4 what remained of the horror format. RE5 has virtually no backtracking, the treasures this time around, which were a great addition to RE4 and how many were hidden, where now shining right in front of your path with only a few ''hidden'' that are easily located just by a quick strafe from your mostly linear path.

Coop destroys all potential for scares, but as an action game its done very well.

Whats more, RE5 didn't even give a much more difficult experience after the ''midly'' professional mode for RE4. Professional mode returns but instead of stripping away the ammo and piling on the enemies, the cheap tacticcs of one hit kills makes its dubious appearance.

Whatever the choice CAPCOM are striving for, for RE6, they have alot of work to be had to truelly create an epic scarefest or even action gorehouse comparing to that ofRE0-CVX and RE4 respectivley.


So, just a small few blogs concerning why the latest of my greatest isn't no where near matching the klassics of their time.

As to why is a still mystery. Maybe because i played through the first few SH's, DMC's RE's and MGS' when i much younger and thus easier to please, maybe the development staff up in Gaming HQ are starting to run thin of ideas, or maybe their simply overthinking their ideas. When they keep it to the basics, it seems too stuck in the past, when they try to reinvent a series it seems like its too far off from the original concept for me.

Overall I guess, with next-gen and its multiple promises, its making gamers like me harder to please with every release.

It goes with the idea that its down to simply lack of innovating features with many of my fav long running franchises, because recently some of my favourite games of this gen is from some of the newer franchises birthed through the ps3+360. BioShock and Dead Space for one are certaintly two of the best horror games i've played in some time, making up for the lack of scares in SH-HC and absolute devoid of horror in general for RE5.

DMC4 and MGS4 haven't come across any notable replacements for me as of yet, but DMC at least can hopefully recapture the perfecting addictiong and replay value of DMC3. MGS is anyones guess as to where thats going, but I'm almost certain a right hammer to the nail sneaking game such as MGS3 is along way away.

Soo hope u enjoyed my short lived rants 8) been a while since i've blogged any so i decided to chapter it up so i can get all my lil dissapointments an equal share :P

Am I the only one though? Is anyone elsefinding their fav franchises going downhill per sequel? Or is it just my own standards rising up with the quality? :?

Nowhere to go but down. Part II

Metal Gear Solid 4

Overall Critic score-9.3

Overall Player score-9.4

My score-9.0

Now admittedly, MGS4 for me is one of the closest of our next-gen sequels to be able to share the same quality from its predeccesors, but then theirs also some considering it ''the'' greatest game of all time or at least the best MGS so far.

But its not aboot other peoples opinions, its aboot mine!! :P

And in comparison its a strong contender but MGS4 is still not as great overall as MGS3: Snake Eater. MGS4 has its many small improvements from snake eater, but overall I definatly find myself siding with the klassic sneaking adventure of MGS3 rather than the action shooter/sneaking hybrid of MGS4.

Any ''klassic'' contacts of me should (u bloody better!! :P) remember a dozen or so blogs concerning a detailed comparison between MGS3 and MGS4. Well of course i'm not gonna write it all up again, but the jist was that Snake eater excelled as a sneaking game overall, had much more engaging boss battles, much easier to follow story which also had that much more emotion IMO and theres not many who can say they prefer to walk around as a skinsack of rusty bones and stiff joints rather than a young interpretation of where those rusty bones and stiff joints came from :P by which i mean Big Boss himself 8).

MGS4 had an unchallenged graphical excellence, but so did MGS3 at the time I'de bet. MGS4 as a sequel, upped the overal length of the game by a good 5 hours or so, surprisingly though the extra 5 hours were made up of custscenes.

Now I'm not going into moaning aboot the lengthy cutscenes, because i'm a fan of them I can tell yah that much, but MGS4, even for MGS standards, really dragged them on. MGS3 always had me watching through them all, because they always seemed to be at the right pace. MGS4 however certaintly had a many through which just dragged on...and on...with all this nonsensical...nonsense thats all trying to piece togethers the entire saga's story arc. It got tiring after multible playthroughs frankly and without the cutscenes your left with an unbelievably short game when the gameplays concerned.

But again, MGS4 is an outstanding game by all means, but of course when compared to MGS3 and MGS3-Subsistence in particular it can't match up I'm afraid....IMO 8).

Silent Hill Homecoming

Overall Critic score-7.3

Overall Player score-8.1

My score-8.5

Silent Hill Homecoming, or sometimes known as Silent Hill 5, is another series that has recently had a move to our current gen after starting a decade back on the golden age of the PS1.

Now it may not be too fair to add this in, since frankly no SH game after SH3 has really even come close to giving the same experience. I've given SH-HC a pretty generous score some would say, but its for different reasons that what a SH game should give.

SH-HC after SH4 brought back some its original roots, including the radio and flashlight, but even so didn't really manage to be even vaguely scary. It was very atmospheric, that i'll admit, and sometimes it did have an eerieness to it. Traversing through the Shepards home was one such occasion that didgave me a slight sense of discomfort.

Plenty of its themes and own trademark $tyle was missing, which could very well be due to its alteration of a developer. The physological aspect was sorely missed in SH-HC. As was the almost abrupt isolation. In SH games your usually on your own to fend off the many fiends and freaks you come across, since they were either created solely by your characters own psyche or were able to be ignored by most. SH-HC gave you the monsters as if they were brought in through some dimensional portal, all characters can come into contact and thus occasionally this has you working with some characters.

Which for me, SH was at its best when you were truelly on your own with no means of gaining any reliable assistance. Some of the enemies at that really felt out of place, the nurses were welcome in the opening hospital level but appearing in an abandoned hotel seemed peculiar...

Graphically it brought with it all what next-gen was offering, fantastic production values for the enviroments and especially speaking for the transition to the other world.

But...just like all the other series ive mentioned it falls short of giving me what I really wanted out of the next-gen experience of a series i've been playing for years now. I see a very depressing pattern forming here :(

Next part will feature Resident Evil 5...and nothing but! :P

Nowhere to go but down. Part I

My wishlist for games is always pretty stocked, but throughout the few years theres always been a select few that stand out for me to say the least. The long running franchises off days old have all moved onto our current gen systems, though not quite in the way I at least had hoped. Its not that there all an utter dissapointment...just a...minor dissapointment. So these few blogs will detail many of the franchises that began young and have developed into our latest generation, but not in the form or qualityI was hoping for.

Devil May Cry 4

Overall Critic score-8.4

Overall Player score-8.8

My score-8.5

Our scores are all pretty similair and all for similair reasons. DMC4 managed to at least pull off its signature addicting and fast paced gameplay that its known for, but it still faulted in some aspects especially when compared to its fantastic prequel DMC3. It introduced to us a brand new character, one that did play rather differently to series lead demon slashing anti-hero Dante. Nero is one of the highlights of DMC4 and in turn is a great addition to the series as a whole, maybe even leading in the future for coop play.

However, DMC4's problems fall under its serious reptition. DMC3 may have had you backtracking through similair enviroments, it always at least added a twist with maybe the enviroment now in complete dissary. DMC4 however has you playing through the exact same streets and frost filled cliffs, even if your now playing in a very different manner from Nero to Dante its still a shame Dante couldn't exactly have his own exclusive enviroments to farm orbs out of.

DMC4 promised its combat to improve like you'de expect it to from system to another and it certaintly did succeed for the most part. Nero and Dante's versatilte array of combo's and own weapons really had alot of variety awaiting for you to test out. The battles themselves too gave you plenty of enemies to think fast over and really grind your teeth against on the higher difficulties. The boss battles though, while appropiatly epic and always fun, really couldn't make up for the serious reptition. In DMC3 you'de face the majority of boss battles twice, some of which are optional, but DMC4 and it having you go up against most a total of 3 times, all of which all have to be tackled, almost seemed cheap. It would of been easier to tolerate in DMC3 ironically, but with its next-gen possibilities surely more variety of the boss battleswasn't too muchto ask?

The replay value of it all at least was on par with DMC3, more or less. DMC3-SE managed to give alot of reasons to play through, most of which managed to make its return in DMC4. The bloody palace for one is incredibly addicting and very engaging thanks to the leaderboards. Acheivments to strive for too managed to make up for the lack of unlockables. No extra costumes was a real sting I believe and a surprise considering its the first to not be able to play through again with any snazzy looking looks for our hero's and heroines.

DMC4 is a brilliant acheivment speaking for its graphics and its actual gameplay, but its still far from upto par with its own DMC3.

Grand Theft Auto 4

Overall Critic score-9.7

Overall Player score-9.2

My score-8.0

Any of the more experienced contacts of Nicholai69 definatly saw this one coming :P

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, for me, is one of ''the'' greatest games of all time. Everything was almost near perfection, specially for its time. Its enjoyable story and lengthy one at that, the almost daunting amount of side activities, the RPG focus of creating CJ and a soundtrack full of awesome tunes most of which introduced me to a new horizon of music!

Grand Theft Auto 4 was, thanks to SA's own success, one of the most highly anticipated games of all time. Countdowns galore for its own release date and it was even featured on a few small time news shows. It arrived to unprecedented acclaim and is considered the best GTA so far and in general one of the greatest games of all time garnering itself ahigh amount of10/10 scores....obviously I wasn't one of the ones to give it the same praise. Its certaintly a great game no doubt about that but again in comparison to GTA-SA its quite a fail for me.

It opted for a much more realistic take on things, which is actually one of the plus' I have for GTA4. Its new take on driving to its physics, long gone was the cartoony $tyle of it all aswell as sliding through traffic like you were driving a micromachine. That and a hella lot of things too. Practically all of SA's features were stripped, as we all know. Niko for one wasn't anywere near as customisable as CJ. Car customisation was no longer an asset and even the amount of vehicles at your disposal was narrowed down.

What it gace in return was the handy ability to hang out with your friends. Which for me was a pretty nifty idea. I honestly loved the fact that you could, in your own time, learn alot more about the cast than what the story gives you. But its stripped down by the surprising lack of activity among these man dates you can go on. Going to play pool or getting your alcohol levels off the chart is all good fun, but going out to eat is a really dull affair. The fact that your always the one who has to pick them up and the sad fact that you can't play these minigames in multiplayer destroys alot of potential this feature had possessed.

The ability to wash your car was highly uneccesary and any lack of the superweapons like the infamous Flamethrower were sorely missed. The races at least were good fun and so where the improved vigilante missions. Too bad they never actually rewarded you with anything...

As side activities go GTA4 is seriously lacking compared to its own last gen predeccesor. So its at least fortunate that its story is fantastic. The story itself especially, but the missions themselves certaintly do give off alot of reptition. Drug deal....drug deal goes wrong...kill associate home...was the consensous for a surprising amount of missions. No more jet pack equipped assaults.

Graphically though GTA4 delivered on every front, the city itself, even with its severe lack of activites, was vibrant and very much full of life. The much more realistic physics engine proved to give a much more serious experience and helped give you a more straight-faced approach to running down some poor schmo.

Its a very different approach indeed and for me, wasn't for the better, I enjoyed its incredible storyline and character development and its overall realistic take on everything, but it wasn't worth the sacrifices made not by a long shot...

Part II featuring Metal Gear Solid 4 and Silent Hill Homecoming.

Tagg, I'm it!!

Well then I've just got me my first ever ''tagging'' from the dude from down-under, Fishbrain ((applause))whiiich i believe has me forced against my will to spurt out 15 or so random factos aboot moi. Alritey then, i've got plenty to share :twisted:

1. I once cryed when watching Mr Bean, the episode where he looks after a baby, I remember me going downstairs n exclaiming ''Its so happy!!'' lol i was like 11 at the time, can't help but stress that fact :P

2. I original only done drama for a laugh, during secondary school i was definatly a sort of class clown, at times anywhoo, i tink that i simply embarresed myself as often as get the crowd laughin :lol:

3. I luuuuv to bite my finger nails!! :):):)

4. I'll be the first to admit that I like to take loooong showers :P

5. While I have a temper, i also have the lucky ability to cool down almost right after if not in but a few minutes.

6. I have virtually no talents, since whenever i start something, if i'm not a natural at it i tend to give up :P

7. Used to be top of my class in english, had a good knack for writing imaginative stories...ironically it was games that took me away from my initial passion.

8. Goin to Uni/Drama school terrifies me :cry: lol

9. Iiiii have a lazy left eye.

10. Wouldn't mind becoming a woman just for a day :P

11. I don't snore 8)

12. Used to be addicted to captian scarlet growin up.

13. I originally aspired to hold a super smash brothers tournament with me best mate Sean, back when i was like 12. By which i mean an official one not one consisted of a buncha lazy, greasy metalheads playing halo with vodka as the motivation :P

14. I've been told that i resemble ben Stiller :?

15. total fanatic for Sophie howard :P:P:P

mmmkay then there yah go, i'm through, my tagg is now officially removed 8).

Now i tagg back...everyone on my contact list :twisted: lol oj Nah ok I taagg....Ghandi, Greg Kasavin and my ps2 memory card...

Touched by a Halo...Raped by an army of pink spartans!

Last saturday I finally had my first play on a 360.

I'm posting a blog like this, when it happened like 3 days ago, because for one i tink its rather significant and i couldn't before hand to either being sick as old people sex or just flooded in college work.

What brought it on was a rather random phone call from an old mate, at one time my best mate in fact, but as the years went on we just sorta parted in our own paths :?. Hadn't seen or spoken to him in like 10 months prior, so getting a phone call asking to pop over on saturday for a Halo tournament definatly give me abit of suspicion. Not on the scale of my mum however who was expecting me to appear on the news tomorrow morninglieing in the gutter with a few stab None the less I decided to go, to catch up with me mate Sean, to finally get me some needed experience with a 360 ((and one of its signature franchises at that)) and also for an excuse to get vodka down me :P

Certaintly took a while for it to all get going, I arrived at me mates shop at around 5ish. He was in work till 8 so I at least had to just hang around for 3 hours. Still was fun though since it was plenty of time to catch up n just engage in our typically hilarious convos 8). Another old mate twas there too, Alan, hes actually abit of prat at times but at others can be an alright guy to hang with.

So besides having to walk the dogs with Seans total loon of a mum, it was already turning out to be a good night 8).

Anywhoo Sean's shift is all over and we finally decide to get the players together. Ones already ticked off the list due to his GF being sick, but we replaced him soon after.

There was only Sean, Alan n Simon who I knew, other 4 never met before but still turned out to becool blokes. Few hours after consisted of us just walking around in the freezing cold. Got some beer, got all the guys n finally headed back to Seans flat. After that though we had to endure with Seans gf's mates O.o to which wasn't so bad being they had no bruises from any 'ugly sticks' i can tell yah that much :P But still....I CAME FOR HALO MUTHA*****!!! lol

After many complications of lost Halo discs n missing wires, we finally set up the system link. 4 Vs 4, in splitscreen too.

With me never even held a 360 pad before, never even playing on Halo before, I was obviously abit of a liability to my team :lol: Its cause of how much i sucked tis why i was the first to find the room getting all wobbly :P. Every time you died u had to take a shot and considering how fast paced n hectic Halo turned out to be, u can expect we were all getting pretty tipsu pretty damn quick :P.

We switched around players, I was always on the losing team of course :P but even still twas a damn fun tournament 8). Soon after we then just decided to play on whatever, two TVs, two 360's. On one side we had people playing through some Blitz kneeing american footballers in the face and smashing their testies. Made by midway after all so that type of stuff is needless to say :lol: I on the other hand played through abit of Left4Dead, A damn fun game i gotta say, there was no volume, least you wouldn't guess with all the shouting. But stll Left4Dead isn't known for its ''story'' so it didn't affect much. I done pretty well however and we managed to complete a few stages before finally deciding on abit of RE5!! lol

I've already completed this twice, but now was a good enough opportunity to play coop :D. Initially with Sean, him as Chris me as Sheva. We totally made a cake walk out of the first two chapters before deciding that it was getting too hard to not throw up to play any more :lol:

All the lads went and I kipped at Seans. Sleptlike an insomniac at first. Specially due to Sean's cats and their psychotic scratching off my matris :evil: lol. But I managed to get in a good deal of sleep.

Of course we all know what followed after. Woke up feeling like crap in a washing machine. Was too weak to get outa bed but I knew i ''really' needed to go to the toilet. Was shakey and could tell there was abit of unpleasentness that i needed to get outa my system. Damn nuisance that it wasn't coming out lol So for a few hours after i just layed there waiting to throw up all of last nights Vodka+Fanta combo....wasn't happening :?. No headaches either, just a bleeding upset stomach. I went through the motions ''Never drinking again'' ''Someone put a friggen bullet through my temple!!'' ect.

Sean then eventually got up with your usual hangover, headache n blurry eyesight. Trade that anyday for my stomach problems :P He played through abit of RE5 solo, i gave him my wisdom 8) and helped him defeat that giant Bat/Slug boss. Soon after though all i wanted was the comfort of my own bed. Mum phoned, picked me up n then had to go through a sickly trip back to me nans flat (which is home btw). I fell flat on my matris like a pile of bricks, complete with bucket at bedside n water on my table. Around 6 hours later woke up thinking how it was allll worth it :P.

Soo yeah, finally had meself some 360 game time. From what I got from Halo isn't much mind you, only played through abit of multiplayer, offline and splitscreen too. Not knowing wtf any of the weapons do and at first just trying to learn the controls ((Took me a few matchs to find out how to melee lol)) overall didn't give much me of an impression. Left4Dead at least was a game I knew i was missing out on.

As a console itself, well that too didn't really give much thought, wasn't really in the state were i could compress thoughts all that easily at the time anywhoo :P. I will admit that the pads are surprisingly comfortable and just seem much simpler to grasp over the ps3.

Ohh yeah n of course i got me RE5, on day one, completed it twice now, but even as a hardcore RE fan my score will probably stay strong on an 8.5 (hell being a hardcore RE fan is probably the reason why). Since while it does certaintly nail the action aspect perfectly, its just taken too much from the original formula for my liking. A review will come soon I expect for anyone who would like to read the rant of a hardcore RE junkie whos too stubborn to accept change :P.

My brother, the casual gamer.

Theres quite a few of the latest generation of Sherlocks as of now. Five in fact, including myself.

Tis me, the eldest at 19.

My sister Katie aged 16.

My lil brother Brad aged 12

Tyler aged 1 and so many months as is the way with kids his age.

Annd finally my other sister Rebecca at around 10 months.

Noow the point of me listing my siblings out like some Prison checklist, is down to only one. Bradley Thomas Douglas Sherlock. Gonna be a b**** writing out cheques :P......

Well recently like we all can't help ourselves but, is to try n bring him into the fold of video games 8). He was already playing games before then, yah know all yah usual GTA addictions, though he did at least spend some educational time with the N64 version of Goldeneye! Still, he didn't play games too much, but recently as the ages gone by i thought it be easier to get him involved in one of the most popular hobbies of the decade.

But I'm finding it difficult to actually understand just wtf he's into :? I mean for one, he hardly ever goes out really, he has alot of after school activities lined up and hes apart of like every club available lol but as far as like actually going out with his mates, its practically non existant. Most of his time is found watching...and playing online arcade games.

Which is right there, what confuses me, hes pretty stubborn when it comes to games. I more or less pleaded with him to ask for a ps3 for christmas, just so we could play SR2 together, still haven't hada chance due to net screw ups back at mums, but he's actually found himself getting bored of SR2 anywhoo. He did however purchase a new game for himself, common sense should identify what that would be :roll: lol.....GTA4.

When he comes over we'll play coop on some titles. The original Resistance had loads of gamin time for both of us, always taking the piss outa the unknown black dude that player 2 is given, trying to figure out just who the hell he is, making him out to be the sidekick that never got any recoginition :P. When Hale was captured by The Black Ops team, we'de joke that the nameless black dude was just left to freeze in the cold snow :lol:

We'de also get alotta fun out of Resistance 2's coop campaign. It was with my brother on offline coop, that i managed to get my first like 10 ranks up, we could never really finish a level, we just kept dieing half way but then would start again anywhoo because it was fun. Whats weird though is he never wanted to play the single player, I'de constantly encourage him just to try it out but he never bothered. I lent him plenty of games, to which he would hardly even open nevermind put in his ps3 :? He casts away pretty much everything, but yet he'll spend hours upon hours on those lame arcade sites O.o.

He does at least like to play through RTS games, big fan of Warcraft 3, but he never plays multiplayer, just the campaign mostly. :? So yeah, hes obviously pretty dedicated to games once he finally finds something he enjoys, but its just wondering what games he actually does enjoy :?. Resident Evil 5 was a keen example of thinking that it would have us relive the glory coop days. We played through the demo a fair few times, switching characters, trying new weapons. He says its ok, doesn't want to buy it...because he prefers games where your in competitive modes....which is rather contradictry considering he doesn't play any RTS multiplayer and only wants to play through the Resistance games on coop :?:?:?:?:?.

Kane and Lynch was another game we had fun over, but again same story, doesn't actually wana purchase it for himself.

At one point he would seem like your typical pre-pubscent kid who loves nothing more to rampage through GTA4 and not understand any of the jokes but still laugh along with them. Other times he seems like he could be a rather dedicated gamer, hes a pretty alright Spec Ops class on resistance 2 :P. Then it all falls down to reveal hes but a casual gamer, who only plays on games peroidically, to which games like GTA suit him so well.

I initially thought it could be down to him just being too young, but hay I, as were many, already had plenty of gaming experience by that age with plenty of memorable characters and storylines to crave nostalgia for.

I'm still trying to educate him, trying to have him appreciate games for their notable features. Sometimes I'd ask over GTA4, how making a certain decision would make him feel, whats his favourite radio station, car ect.

Oh and he also enjoys watching me play through the RE series, he more or less knows the basic outline of the story by now i bet :P

Not like its too big a deal, I wouldn't mind if he simply admitted that he just doesn't like to play games as much as me, but I mean, whats with all the hours wasted on arcade games??? lol

Moi + 360 (Impatience x lack of) - any lasting funds= What the Flanel?!?

Nooo I didn't get suspended again surprisingly :P, haven't blogged in a while, more os aboot this 360 ting, due to me...well just notfeeling so dandy frankly. Lil depressed actually, lack of motivation,sleepfull days,all the usual symptoms.

Bbut whatever, not going to dwell on that matter 8).

So, 360, for anyone whos managed to learn the simple fact of me being a total PS FanMan since day 1....004000 or so, when I was 6 and recently played ''Loaded'' on my cousins PS1, would find me even contemplating getting a 360, when the PS3 should surely satisfy my nerdish needs :P, a lil surprising.Well in fact even I was a lil shocked to find me wanting to add a 360 to my overall console club, but as the exclusives pass by and comparisons are drawn...I felt to myself how much more satisfying it would be to simply have both, its what everyone says, to be able to experience all of what gaming has to offer obviously owning all consoles to play them on is quite a necessity.

Though speaking of which I could very easily find myself living without the Wii :twisted:

Now it doesn't necessarily matter, since I have a lack of funds, all of which come from EMA which doesn't last long..yupp stiiill jobless :roll:....and i expect for me to afford one of MS's box's of faults, glitchs and a damn good amount of exclusive titles, I would possibley have to make a few sacrifices most of which I'de assume i wouldn't go through with :P oooor possibley just wait till the 720 or whatever gets released :|

Lol either way, thought I'de at least post up a small list of Professional will the lameness ever end?!?

Sooo, the Pro's

-Great amount of exclusives, most of which do look very appealing.

-Theres a much larger community, to which belongs the only people I know who play games.

-The Lost and Damned DLC for GTA4, seriously....I can't help but craaaave it :?

-It is, overall, fairly cheap.

-No more accusations of fanboyism :P not like i get any, but it would open up a few new rights when concernin the comparison updates n system wars :twisted:

There may be a few smallish upsides too that I've probably forgotten over the past whenever i'de imagine the good of owning a 360, but there definatley the highs of what i can remember. Now onto the negative, my favourite :P

-I don't care what anyone says, from plenty of other peoples experiences it is seriously a faulty piece of hardware, sure some may have had theirs without a single crash or breakdown, but that doesn't make up for the people who go through them like every year.

-MS even for a business' own standardsare pretty damn selfish.

-Some games do require upto possibely four discs to contain the whole game.

-It has a much larger community, thus a load more imature ********

-I am still admittedly on the PS side of the pitch :P

-Gotta pay for online play

Pretty even scale I'de say, to which yeah could be matched with the PS3's own pros n cons, but still thats already become part of my rooms own atmosphere so nothings gonna take that away :P.

Soo then, feel free to encourage, discourage or evencondemn me for my views :P because theres still agood few reasons for both sides so I may eventually sway either way.

Welcome Home...

Another suspension......finally over....ect.....god suspensions have become so routine for me its not even fun to rant aboot anymore O.o ah well spose that could be seen as character developement :lol:

Anywhoo yesterday i finally got me one of my most anticipated games of this yr 8)

Once again I'm pretty late with this one, as far as the rest of the world is concerned, but in the UK it perched itself on my shelf in day 1 8). Finally, the unexplained delay was over, how did they make up for the random discrimination?? A couple of quid knocked off the price :roll: theres not even any trophies added in....But still long as i got it eventually it'll do :P.

One the same day, 9 hours later, i then completed it lol yes its rather short like all SH games but my own addiction to it didn't help tings :P Soon after I started again with Alex looking like a beer guzzlin trucker :P It was certaintly worth wait that much is sure, and sadly too predictable in concern of any added content :roll:

Review can be found over yonder :D

Alsi I know i've hold it off for some time now, due to me not having a chance to post more than 2 blogs in between each suspension O.o but now at least i'm gonna try n get my //Why I wana 360// blog outa the way, after all i'm always at risk with this site havin its own personal vendetta against me :|...:P

Another day-Another blog-Another load of reviews!! XD

With me literally going through suspension after suspension this past few months, with only like a day or less in between, most of my GS time was spent on writing up some spelling error infested reviews :P. Most are classics as usual, with no new releases coming my way, mainly since none are really meshing well with my tastes :?, there still at least up to date with the times all in the ps3 catergory 8).

Sooo of course, I have no choice but to flaunt and exploit my own work masgerading as as blog :P

REsistance 2


Uncharted Drakes Fortune

With plenty of others still to come, most notably Dead Space, FarCry 2 and Siren Blood Curse 8).

Al;so in other news, which fortunatly happens to be related to reviews :P...I can finally recommend reviews again?? :? Well hurrah for me, guess that puts me back to where i was when i first bothered iwth my profile O.o Anywhoo you can finally expect me to thoroughly read and actually share my opinions with a fat thumb, going North, or possibley south 8)....more commonly facing the sky just by how much ofa noice guy I am :P lol