Niebz's forum posts
"Yeah it's really fun, even Wii Sports which comes with the system will provide you with a lot of good times with friends and family (i know i have!). "
selfesteem holds my family, my friends and me back from acting like the mindless smiling people you see in Wii comercials, pretending to get fullfilled through the extinction of the necessity to go out in order to swing a bat or a racket...
what a family, wich spends quality time in front of a screen...
"(Brawl, Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 to name a couple)."
name some more, if you can... the 3 will be quality games but nothing interesting if you are not willing to bow before the big'n'mighty "N"...
"you have a lot of stuff to do- make some mii's surf the internet with the wiimote, play webgames, mess with photos"
so... real gaming isnt the thing you can do out of the box with this gaming-console? ...and why do I have to buy a wii to experience great things such as "surfing the web"... before you answer, my PC is in possession of a mouse-device...
"I just got Star Fox 64, and I'm pretty pleased with it"
it is 2007, and you just purchased a 5th generation gaming-console...
I think you got my point... funny how you wrote all this without noticing in what a bad light it brings the WII...
I'm sorry but you sound like an obnoxious jerk. There are a lot of great games for the Wii. Superlink was just trying to point out some of the other things the Wii has going for it. I don't see how that puts the Wii in a bad light. If you don't want one that's fine but you don't have to come into the Wii forum and bash it for no reason. If your self-esteem is too low to enjoy what the Wii has to offer with friends and family then that's your problem. I feel sorry for you cause you're missing out. Button mashing alone in your room is a much healthier way to spend your time I'm sure.
SSB had absolutely nothing to do with my purchase. I may buy it when it comes out but I'm not really looking forward to it in the way that I am looking forward to Galaxy. That being said, even Galaxy had nothing to do with my purchase. I bought the Wii for the games that were already available, otherwise I would have waited. It would be insane to buy a console for a game (or games) that won't come out for a year or more. Especially with the Wii being so hard to find, why would you go to all that trouble unless you're craving some of what the Wii has to offer in the present.
Same here!!! The question was: "What's your favourite genre? Action or Comedy?" Someone else in the world could've send Nintendo the exact same question, of course, but it was still cool.Litchie
I too submitted that exact same question. It was pretty cool to think that I was chosen but I quess I'm not so special after all.
Roll Goal was frustrating as hell. It was also kind of frustrating spending hours finding poe souls only to give up at 58.
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