Metal Gear Solid: Rising... the new trailer was... kinda different than what I expected from a MGS game. Might get it. Might not. Good trailer overall. MGS5 though? Definitely - I'd buy that.
Open your ears fellow American citizens - can you hear the FREEDOM sizzling? Something's gotta be done about this. Now. If this bill gets passed the Internet's done for. So is our freedom of speech and our freedom to post what we want on the Internet. Will this bill stop terrorists, or will this terrorize the people? Stop taking away the freedom the people deserve! This isn't the bill we asked for!
Nintendo's gotta ditch the family-friendly "casual" take on gaming consoles. As much as I love Nintendo, I have to say I really miss the days of the N64 and the GameCube. The Wii was great - and unique in its own right - but the addition of Mii characters and the sudden movement to unknown waters make this "Blue Ocean strategy" seem like a huge mistake for Nintendo. I'm not saying I hate the console - I enjoyed two games in its line-up - SSBB and MP3: Corruption. Those two games were enough for me to say that the buying the Wii was a somewhat logical purchase, but I miss the hardcore. Come on, on your feet Nintendo! Get your act together and make this a good one.
NightFox313's comments