The devs of ROTT are incopetent, they just released their so called "Frame rate boost patch" and it did nothing. Broken and unplayable and from the looks of it, it'll never get fixed, stay away from this game it's by far the worst game of 2013 for me since it's compleatly broken.
Never got why people like MOBA games, it's the most boring gaming genre iv'e ever played, i just want to pound nails in my head just so i don't have to listen to the LoL and Dota 2 players, both games are the same and both are extreamly dull.
One of the most unoptimized games of 2013, compleatly unplayable at launch and the patch thats suppose to fix the frame rate is 5 weeks away. Don't buy it, pick it up a few months later when it gets fixed.
This is most likely a smart marketing plan, make people buy it on consols and than make them re-buy it on PC a year later because of extra features and of course moding. I bought GTA 4 on x360 since i thought it would never come out on PC, however it did 1 year later with cool new features and a metric ton of awesome mods made by the community so i ended up buying it again on PC. They're gonna most likely do the same with GTA 5
So far i bought Bioshock Infinite for 24.99 Euros, now i'm waiting for Metro Last Light to go on a 50% discount sale and than i pretty much have all of the games i really want.
NightmareP3's comments