@EL_Bomberdor @MAD_AI Everyone in my country chips their consols and uses PCs for playing MP and buying original games since the prices are better, if console games prices weren't stupidly high (70 euros in my country) people would actully buy them here
Wait, people are still buying boxed copies on PC ? I'm susprise it still didn't hit 0. Not a single soul i know still buys PC games in stores thanks to Steam,gog and many other great services which offer stupidly low prices and no annoying 1 week long shiping bullshit for every game. To bad valve for some dumb reason never releases how many numbers a game has sold on steam
I honestly don't see a single reason not to release GTA 5 on PC, the amount of money that game would keep generating for you over the years would be insane thanks to services like Steam + the amazing moding community of GTA will make alot of people buy your product because of a specific mod, the amount of crazy and awesome shit people will make for GTA 5 in the future will be insane, just look at GTA sand andreas and GTA 4 moding.
After the massive failure of E3 2013 and the Xbox press conference, Microsoft sentenced Don Mattrick for treason and stupidity, he could eather be publicly executed or join Zynga.
Battlefield 4 looks exactly the same as Battlefield 3, you did not do anything remotly new. Adding new weapons,maps and vehicles could've been done with a 30 Euros expansion or 10-15 Euros DLC. All you did was add back commander mode and nothing else is new compared to BF3's gameplay. Same game, diffrent maps. Games like Destiny and Titanfall deserve more attention than another generic military shooter which has had the same gameplay for a decade now
It's rather ironic really, a developer which was at the start only a MAC and PC developer is nowaday annoying PC gamers by constantly going "Maybe we'll port it maybe we won't, dunno lol" . Not sure if i should keep my eye on Destiny really, bungie is starting to annoy me with this, give us a simple yes or no so i can know if i should keep track on Destiny or just ignore it and just be excited for Titanfall instead.
NightmareP3's comments