Ninja-Vox's forum posts
All the Blu ray bashing is out of pure jealousy. The fact is that Sony is the only current gen console to actually move forward in gameing tech. ThisCurse
Movie tech. Not gaming tech. Put it this way; if there was no such thing as blu-ray movies, do you think sony would have put a blu-ray drive in the PS3?
You know the answer.
[QUOTE="Heydanbud92"]I threw up all over my desk in french class, and there were some pretty hot girls in that class...
I tried to play it off by saying i was drunk the night before, oh man it was bad lol.
Holy crap I puked in a French class too!!! Except I held it in my mouth and had chimpmunk cheeks for 20mins.
That's hilarious and disturbing in at least ten different ways.
not reallythisguy51
I just watched your sig continually for about five minutes. :P
"Hi, my name is, *dj scratch* (your name)"Kikouken
It's 2am where i live, and i tried so hard to mask my laughter at that so as not to wake anyone up, my roomate came in to see if i was choking.
Just thought you'd like to know. :P
This worked for me when i was trying to go out with someone i literally didnt know at all. Obviously talking to her would be difficult, as it's hard to just go up to someone you see every day who you've never spoken to and start talking. You dont know each other and naturally have nothing to talk about.
So; next time you see her, preferably as you're walking past or something, smile. Nothing serious, just shoot her a friendly smile, which simply acknoledges her existance. Do that every time you see her (obviously not multiple times in one day...), and she should smile back. It's only polite.
So then you're in a pattern where you see each other and smile at each other. Great. Now, next time you see her smile and say hi. She should say hi back. After that be confident and just ask a casual "whats up?" She'll give you a generic response, and that's where you have to be confident and say something back like "oh cool, me too" or "oh that's too bad" depending on whatever she says. Then conclude with "oh i'm Dave, by the way" or whatever. She'll do the same. Rince and repeat, and you'll find that each time you talk more, rather than just pleasantries, you'll have proper conversations. Especially if you can say like "hey, how'd your exam go?" or whatever else she's told you.
Works every time. :)
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