Ninja-Vox's forum posts

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#1 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

so so glad you ppl seem to think you know anything about me by attempting to pick apart my harmless sentence. must be nice to think you have a grasp on what makes ppl tick. well whatever, good luck with those kind of attitudes in life.ninjaxams

It's amazing that, what, three... four? Was it even five? I haven't counted... but a selection of people all pointed out that your comments were short-sighted and prejudiced, lacking any real arguement, and yet you come out the other end with the conclusion that they - all of them - are wrong, and that you are right. Depsite providing no arguement or response whatsoever to the observations they have made.

And then you close with little patronising comments like "good luck with those attitudes in life..."


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#2 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts
Halo and Gears of War. They dont even sell that well on PC because they come out so long after the console versions they're inevitably seen as "so last year" by then. They basically undermine their own console by depriving it of exclusives out of sheer greed so that they can squeeze some more profit out of their key franchises on the PC.
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#3 Ninja-Vox
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Last post for this thread: I'm not saying he's unclear, I'm saying he doesnt know what he's talking about. I'm not making a case for how there customer support is hard to hear, I dont really have a problem either. I'm just stating it's terrible. Regardless of Indian, American, African, Chinese, whatever. It's terrible.


So we shall pin the entire Microsoft telephone support on one guy. Wow. Yes, it sounds as if he doesn't know what he's talking about. Maybe he's new on the job, I'm not sure. But this type of problem is not solely Microsoft's. Just a few days ago I called my bank, and twice I was put to two people who I could tell were reading instructions on how to proceed with my enquiries. The day before however, I had a person who knew what she was talking about. That was just a recent example.

I'm fairly sure he said "last post in this thread" as a safety to avoid having to reply to the inevitable annihilation of everything he said.

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#4 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

I hope this thread gets locked. I hardly ever, EVER post in the system wars thread because it truely is the most immature forum I've ever seen. The one time I post an article in a system war thread, BOOM - it turns into people pointing fingers about racism to make Microsoft's customer service look better. This forum is a joke. Irrational fanboyism is pathetic. Call me a fanboy, but I'm rational about stuff. I'm really not even a fanboy, I love Nintendo too. I'm just not going to support a system that RROD's and is pay-for-everything. Ridiculous. I wont post in here for a long time... if ever.carljohnson3456

How can you possibly be so hypocritical to pass judgement on this entire board as immature when your first contribution was to have a pop at somebody you dont even know and claim they're a fanboy simply because they said something in favour of the machine you're criticising?

Pot. Meet Kettle.

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#5 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

[QUOTE="ninjaxams"] so I'm ingorant because I stated ppl with overly thick accents are difficult to understand? gimme a ******* break. carljohnson3456

You're ignorant because you claimed their customer service was "a joke" because you were connected to an indian person, as opposed to a standard-english speaker. Not because you received poor service; not because the guidance was unclear; simply because you - at the very most - had to pay a little more attention because the person was indian. God forbid.

I'm not racist, nor is this comment. This customer service is a joke. Dont be calling anyone racist because they cant understand them. Dont use racism to make your precious 360 look better, because that is all your doing. "Your racist, there customer support is GREAT, so is the RROD."

I have all three consoles. Check my posts in the last 30 minutes. "Game of the year for me will be MGS4". "LBP looks like some pretty innovative stuff."

Or better still; check this very thread. "RROD is rediculous".

So yeah. Take your "precious 360" comments to the fanboy corner please. If that's all you can do to counter an arguement, imply fanboyism, then please refrain from arguing with me in the future.

It is indeed racist to say customer service is bad just because you were talking to an indian person. Like i said, i did a whole module on the rise of petty racism as opposed to overt racism; and this was the ****c example. Go look it up. (many, not all) people in western countries show natural hostility towards foreigners; this being like i said, a ****c example. People will complain about talking to an indian person simply because they are indian; if they couldn't speak the language they wouldn't be in a job. And if people can indeed not understand them, they wont be in that job for long.

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#7 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

whos being racist? its a ******* fact. I couldn't understand them. its nice to see ppls ingorance causing them to jump to conclusions is still in vogue on these forums...ninjaxams

I studied this for almost a month. 88% of people who are connected to foreign people on customer service lines express dissatisfaction, despite the overwhelming majority speaking english just fine. If you cannot speak the language, a company like microsoft would not hire you for a job which involves talking to people all day.

So yes i have every right to point out petty prejudice. It's highly likely that you could understand them just fine, but are just one of the majority as found in many linguistic studies who simply say "aw great, an indian person on the phone..." and immediately complain that you cant understand them, despite the fact that alls they ask of you is your address and serial number.

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#8 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

This is not good. I'm from Ireland and i have a 360, luckly I haven't got and RRoD yet, but when the day comes it looks like it won't be just as easy as sending my 360 back to microsoft and getting them to fix it.Sidburn19

You ring them. Explain you have the RROD, they immediately ask you if you've tried the three troubleshooting steps on the xbox website. If you answer no they walk you through them. If you answer yes, they ask you for your address and ship you a box, or ask if you'd rather have a label emailed to you to stick on a box yourself.

Someone picks it up, or you can drop it off at a UPS collection point. They post it back to you about 10 days later. That's exactly the procedure.

The only time proof of purchase is required is if you demand your money back or compensation in the event of having multiple 360s break down on you. Their policy is that three RRODs gets you a free game or xbox live or something similar; however you must show proof of purchase. This is to counter the eBay guys buying dead xboxs for 20 bucks then demanding compensation from microsoft when they ship them all off.

The guys on this site are saying they paid 1.5k for three xbox 360s in cash, from a retailer which sells them at RRP, with no proof of purchase. They refused to accept temporary replacements while thiers are being repaired, and wont provide any proof that they paid 1.5k for their 360s. They then say that customer service has treated them terribly?

Like i said; this is just embarrassing for them.

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#9 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

[QUOTE="Meu2k7"]So basically Resistance is becoming a Sci-Fi Battlefield Clone? good luck to them, Battlefield games are awesome, hope they manage to succeed unlike that mess like that recent BF wannabe.Meu2k7

A sci-fi Battlefield clone? Sign me up! 8)

Well BF2142 falls into that category, flying titans? was awesome :D

I thought that game pretty much crapped all over the excellent battlefield name. >_>

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#10 Ninja-Vox
Member since 2006 • 16314 Posts

RROD is rediculous. But at the very least i can say that microsoft customer service is great about it. You ring them, you tell you have the RROD and straight away BAM - what's your address please? We're sending you a box. Notice how they chose not to say what the "it's more complicated" actually entails?

Far as i'm concerned this is sensationalist nonsense intended to garner up a bit of traffic. Good luck to them.


yes so great you can't understand the indian ppl on the other end of the phone. their customer service is as big of a joke as their console this gen (hardware wise).

Mine crapped out on me twice and both times i was connected to an american. I live in the UK. If you were connected to an Indian person, it's nice to see that plain old racism and bigotry against foreign people still exists.