Cant wait. :D It's crazy that i thought this'd be a quiet year in gaming yet i've just watched the Gears 2 and NG2 trailers, i cant wait for MGS4, and of course now i remember that GTA is just weeks away.
Good stuff. :)
Cant wait. :D It's crazy that i thought this'd be a quiet year in gaming yet i've just watched the Gears 2 and NG2 trailers, i cant wait for MGS4, and of course now i remember that GTA is just weeks away.
Good stuff. :)
I beat the game in appox. 18 hours on my first play through, no strategy guide, and doing all the side missions I came across naturally over the course of the game. (Random planet misclick and got a distress beacon, landed, and collected everything on the planet).Vandalvideo
The ony thing i disliked about Mass Effect was that many of the sidequests amounted to "We've got a problem! Go to this location and kill everything to solve it!"
"Terrorists have captured an ambassador... travel to this planet and kill them!"
"AI has taken over our training facility! Travel to the moon and shoot anything there!"
"Biotic terrorists are operating in our system! Kill them all!"
To be honest it's only been two years, and unlike bungie they dont make a new engine for every game. It's still just Unreal 3, regardless of whatever tweaks and improvements they've made. I'm not expecting a huge leap in either graphical or gameplay quality. More of the same, some might say.
And for the gaming industry as a whole, i deeply hope Gears doesn't get halo-like hype. All it does is overshadow other games. And hey, they may not be of the same top-notch quality and presentation but they're still well worth a purchase and well worth the appreciation they dont receive due to mega-hit games being hyped to the heavens. And even then, games can rarely live up to the insane hype we throw at them.
Just hope for another quality, movie-like action game and leave it at that.
What stellar performance was that, Gears was expected. XNA is cool though, but hardly stellar.EmperorSupreme
I may be wrong, but i distinctly remember you calling somebody a fanboy and saying gears wouldnt be announced this year. How exactly was it so expected, when you held this view just days ago?
And again if i'm thinking of somebody with the same avatar, i apologise. :)
What stellar performance was that, Gears was expected. XNA is cool though, but hardly stellar.EmperorSupreme
I think an impressive Unreal Tech demo, a great walkthrough of Fable 2, an impressive walkthrough of Ninja Gaiden, the announcement of Gears of War and the unleashing of XNA community developers onto xbox live was far, far more than anybody else was expecting.
Besides, how can you begin a keynote with people whining about how crap the year is going to be and end with Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2, Too Human, and Gears of War all confirmed for this year?
That's pretty pathetic. That's the equivalent of a 3 hour shooter.dracula_16
Why on earth is that pathetic? Are we really just bashing everything that comes out the door these days? He's openly said the main quest is 12 hours long. If he thought the game was too short he wouldn't be saying that. Heck just look at your own sig. BioShock is around a 10 hour game and it's amazing.
So long as it's a fun and enjoyable experience; what difference does it make how long it is? You got your money's worth didn't you?
And like many others have said; this is the main quest. Oblivion's story is what, ten hours? If you quick-travel you can easily beat it in eight. Nothing is particularly challenging; you simply progress through it. If you stop at every town however and explore, visit the shops, join the guilds, do the side-quests, you're looking at hundreds of hours of gameplay.
I had mistaken what you said. Here I thought you said Restistance was a tech demo, due to the sentence above that said "Resistance the tech demo." So my mistake, I apologize.
But, I feel most tech demos are pretty impressive, but whether it comes out in the final game. :? Gears 2 will have the most of the stuff in the tech demo, not hundreds of locusts on screen except during a cutscene maybe. I would like to know how they are going to implement some of those physics in the final game.
Dont apologise for other people's inability to use any punctuation in their posts. A simple full stop would have sufficed; maybe even a new line if he was feeling lazy, but just ranting on from one point to the next with no indication that you've changed subject simply makes for confusing posts.
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