The GTA series is a turn off for me. I don't care what kind of reputation it has and its ratings. It just doesn't interest me.
I think it celebrates the lowest of social class and moral ethics. Banging a hooker and drinking some booze before I do some drugs on my way to shoot some civilians and cops just isn't my brand of fun.
If they would allow me to buy just the zombie map pack, I would get it. I'm NOT going to pay that much money for a couple of new maps. I think its a rip-off.
I think the game looks great. Its going back to what people want to see in a MK game and those who complain about it don't need to play it. The fatalities are cool, the gore is expected. Its not cheap, its not lame, its not even small potatos because its original and people enjoy it.
I got the first one for the 360 and it's got to be one of the worst games I've ever played, No way Two worlds 2 is gonna drag me back in!
You can make up your mind without actually looking into the game, but I'm telling you; its not a bad game at all. They have learned from their mistakes and TW2 will make you forgive their first game.
From the reviews I have seen on youtube, its a good RPG. Its not as amazing as Fallout or Oblivion, but it doesn't suck either. Graphics look great, gameplay is diverse and the atmospher and music is top notch. AI is stupid, certain types of combat is button masher and the story is cliche. All in all, I bought it and I'm enjoying it!
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