[QUOTE="Moridin18"][QUOTE="Duckman5"][QUOTE="Moridin18"] [QUOTE="Duckman5"]They never confirmed a LAN mode. You tricked yourself.Duckman5
They never once corrected it on ALL the preview(s) that mentioned the mode on all the major sites, not once. So don't pull that BS with me that they never read it once and did not know that the info was out their, esecially when the were not releasing info and the sites where gamers only form of info.All the fan sites and IGN, gamespot, etc. Like i sad total BS.
Kinda of like how they dropped the ball and waited untill released for the general public to know it would be 1 vs and no 4 players. But they demo'ed the game in LAN but never demo'ed 4 player so that not nearly as bad.
Link please.
FOr what?
You show me a site that the developers said that LAN would not be in it. Every fan-site I saw mentioned LAN play. The preview from major sites ( IGN and gamespot) mentioned LAN if my memory serves me correct. Both of the sites have had people on their message-boards question the exclusion of LAN. WIthour notice. Kuju reads stuff to they not? Did they not notice a thread on this site (or ign) talking about the game? If so then they did read the previews on sites(or at least watching the Internet about the buzz about their game)and they should have notice the constant mention of LAN. This I think is indisputable.
I give you this. They did not literally lie. But......come on if they watch it that close then they should have noticed the constant talk in endless previews and fansites of the LAN mode.
I love advanced wars and Battalion Wars but in no way on this earth am I going to pay full price for a game that has a feature ripped out of it with no explanation.(come on Kuju LIE to me at least give me a reason, even if not rational, for this last second removal)
I can play advanced war games on GBA on lan, but on a system with built in WIif I can't. That is jacked up and if one says it is not, I must tell that person....
They never confirmed it, theat's my exact point. Everything else was just speculation. You can't provide a link so your argument is invalid.
Duckman has a point. You can't remove something that was never there to begin with.
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