Mirror's Edge had fantastic music, and unique atmosphere ,but gameplay was repetitive, and frustrating. Unless they execute it right with the sequel then no thank you.
4 (maybe even 5) exclusives next year seems kind of excessive, hopefully they space them out. But I won't need an announcement of PS4, when we got Ascension, Last Of Us, Beyond Two Souls, and now Sly. Sony had confirmed yesterday that Last Guardian was having some technical issues which explains it's long absence, so maybe that means will finally get to play it next year.
These game concepts, and the hardware features are very compelling. But the price point, and memory sticks are making it impossible to justify a purchase. I'd say the Vita certainly is more attractive than the PSP both hardware, and software wise. But I wish they would stop manufacturing the 3G Vita, and price a slimmer, hardware trimmed (maybe make it slightly more powerful than 3DS, but powerful enough to run ACIII:Liberation) Wifi version Vita at $199 with internal memory. I could see the Vita flying off shelves, but that is Sony's call unfortunately . :/
Nintyfan95's comments