[QUOTE="DragonxanderPR"]Because cows do nothing buty look at lists, wheras Xboxers play games. Seriously , why would any bona fide gamer spend his or her time making lists? Why would any bona fide gamer care if one console is better than the other, or obsess about the opposing fanboy group? Wouldn't their biggest concern be good games all around, no matter the origin, so that the industry prospers and grows?How come PlayStationers have hefty proof of the PS3's worth in terms of exclusive games while the thread for Xboxers has tons of comments focusing on ownage boasting!? Many of the 360 lists don't fulfill all the criteria.
I'll post the "A challenge for Wii-ers!" thread tomorrow night, so be on the lookout for it! Also, at the end of all the posts for the 7th gen systems, I'll make an analysis thread about this thread series.
Nirron's forum posts
[QUOTE="nchan"]Wait a minute! Klonoa is out already? I thought it isn't until May 5?Wanderer5
Gamestop must have decided to put it out early.:)
They did. I put in a pre-order since I have a buddy who works there and needs the boost. I've been playing it and really enjoying it. My PS1 copy is a little scratched, so I was glad to get this. Also, $30 seems to be the universal price. Amazon has it for $29 as well. It's a great platformer, something that this generation needs more of on consoles (though it seems the Wii is the best place to find these platformers, and 360/PS3 have some good ones)[QUOTE="obamanian"]still multiplat, saolin. Or perhaps it's a secret kind of exclusive. I think in honor of obamanian I'm going to refer to every game as exclusive. I've been thinking of picking up X-Men Origins: Wolverrine's Revenge but it's exclusive to DS/PSP/Wii/PS2/PS3/360/PC. Seriously though, this thread has actually made me think about upgrading my PC so I'll finally have all 3 consoles and a decent PC. I don't mean it as a slight to the 360 (which I enjoy enough games on) but considering the fact that I'd pay $10 less per PC game, after two years or so I'd have broken even in terms of spending (yes I buy a lot of games, my backlog is huge)New Fallout 3 Broken Steel Trailer, STUNNING stuff !!!!!!!!
Only on PC/360
The new monsters are amazing !!!
And I do have to commend him to a degree for putting together the list of games, though it really does seem like he could've simply edited his old post with new info and bumped it. Then again, this is System Wars wherre the same topics come up over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Why are you getting so defensive?[QUOTE="Aljosa23"]
And yet if it was a pro PS3 thread I am sure neither of you would have a problem. At least unlike most of the ps3 fanboy dribble on this forum he posts links and what not. He also at least stays in his thread unlike the 100s of ps3 fanboy alt accounts threads we get where they start a thread and never return. Including all the games he mentioned and games like Halo, Forza 3, Lost Planet and so on the 360 has a great line up.
So because he got carried away with Fable 2 his links are false? Like we do not have dozens of threads from the PS3 side saying stuff like "(insert ps3 game) is the best game in history..evar!!!" or "(insert ps3 game) is a Halo killer!!!"
Side note as always I love how many PS3 fans are hiding behind the PC. So it takes the two most expensive systems to go against the most least expensive one.
And who said anything about the PS3? Actic is not a Cow. :|
I am not being defensive it is more pointing out some things. Just look through the 13 pages. It is filled with PS3 users in panic mode. Look we understand the PS3 is doing pretty bad and is last in software and hardware so the ps3 side clings to the future. Fact is the 360 has some great games also. When it comes to comparing games the PS3 fans hide behind the PC and when it comes to sales the PS3 fans hide behind the Wii since it can not win alone on either. It looks like you're being defensive since you speculate that non-fanboys like Artic/Aljosa wouldn't have a problem with a pro-PS3 thread added to the fact that neither of them even MENTIONED the PS3. I know you hate Sony for whatever reason, but c'mon, we both know that all the fanboys are pretty bad. Whether PS3 fanboys posting their inane threads or 360 fanboys repeating the same threads over and over, it's all fairly annoying.Not too bad, I don't have any money anyways... :P But I hope, HOPE, HOOOOOOOOOPE this game turns out well and finally we'll have a GOOD super hero game instead of a lame one. Because I like the premise of this game... It also has Kevin freak'n Conroy and Mark "Luke Skywalker" Hamill!!!!!!!!! :D I mean these two are the best voices for their roles IMHO so I'm stoked. I want to play this game, but I want it to be fun too. :D yoshi_64Not to mention Paul Dini (the writer behind Batman: The Animated Series) wrote the story. Once I heard about him, Conroy, and Hamill, I was hooked on this game. I was wary before hearing that, but Dini wrote my favorite Batman episode (Heart of Ice) so I must buy his work.
It could be the greatest :) but we won't see the constant hype threads because it's not exclusive.[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]
Who says it isn't.:P
And I don't care what anyone says, my excitement for Versus is, and has always been, genuine.
I also love the threads that suggested FF13vs will be the best game by miles, before we even had any clue about both titles too
I agree. They're almost as bad as those clueless people who are hyping that 2D XBLA RPG based only off a blog and a blurry picture of the manual. But oh well. Let them get excited. Their disappointment and tears sustain me.[QUOTE="-Snooze-"]
The DS has always had great games. Such an amazing library. Sadly ... i got a PSP.
I have a ds and your not missing out on much
Actually he's missing out on quite a bit. Whether it all appeals to him or not, well, we don't knowAnd always nice to see another JRPG for the DS. I'm almost in RPG overload...but I'll have to make room for Black Sigil.
and grinning_demon has a history of posting pro-wii topics just to troll. i see no difference. lol nice try
Maybe so.
But in this case, Grinning_Demon was legitimately refuting a wonky article that FD posted to troll. Maybe he had alternative intentions as well, but that doesn't change the fact that he raised legitimate questions in relation to the credibility of bit-tech. He also showed that other sources, in this case, Gamespot, thinks the game looks great, further calling the relevance of FD's original post and source into doubt.
so because GS has differing opinions of the original source it proves that it's "wonky"
you have no argument, sorry
He seems to have a fairly valid argument. We have two differing opinions, so how can we trust one over the other? We can't take bit-tech as the gospel, but neither can we take GameSpot as such either. He has enough of an argument to question the validity of their statements, though he must ultimately realize that GameSpot may not be correct either.And since you're calling out those who are bashing FirstDiscovery for his article and liken it to Grinning_Demon's threads, I look forward to you calling out all the mindless haters in Grinning_Demon's threads as well since they must be guilty of the same thing.
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