why are sony fanboys upset that 360 owners get to enjoy a great game also? that's just selfish and fanboyishHawtHawt
The same reason xbox360 fanboys are happy that IU and SO4 aren't planned to be on PlayStation. Which is worse? People upset over more people playing a game or people happy because more people won't be able to play a game?
Because the Wii has 26 titles that are rated 8.0 and his Wii-bashing agenda would be a bit weak if his argument (if you can call a list compiled in a way favorable to his point an argument) had 34 titles instead of 8.
Do fanboys still say that? I haven't seen it, but it wouldn't surprise me. I've always thought it was a dumb argument. The PS3 did launch with some good titles imoSnowboarder99
Oddly enough...the TC pretty much said it.
I had a link on the first page of this thread, but it's interesting. Makes me wonder why he created this thread when he said " I wouldn't have to bash ps3 if it actually had some games now would I?"
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