[QUOTE="sirk1264"][QUOTE="R-Dot-Yung"]Uch this stinks, i wanna buy Orange Box, but i dont wanna pay for XBL making the purchase kinda bad with no ,multiplayer...
i know the PS3 port is gonna be weak but free online its a toss up
$50 a year is too much for you? If your working you should have 50 dollars to spare for a years worth of live. If you want to play on live stop being cheap and pay the money. 50 dollars a year is less than 5 dollars a month. If you can't save 5 dollars a month then there is something wrong.
Yes yes yes, we all know all people can afford it. Some people are just thinking and are smart enough to realize we shouldn't have to pay$ 50 a year. We already pay for content and even lame little pictures. We have to pay for changing our handle for **** sake. There is no better connection then any other service and no better service then any other service. So is it really that weird that some people question why we are paying for this?
I pay it. But just because I have no other option.
I dont know why anybody would by a Xbox 360 if they were not going to get XBL. I was sceptical at first on the original 360. but once you start playing online. You will only(mostly) want to buy games that have online multiplayer.
Secondly You should wait and see what reviews the Delaystation 3 will get on the Orange Box. I have feeling it might be a lower score.
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