GOLDENEYE on N64 for FPS. Final Fantasy 3 on SNES for RPG. Formula 1 on PS for Racing Game. and Half Life on PC for All time best PC game.
These are the games that I remeber most and I played the most in my life. I listed Goldeneye as the best FPS, but the reason why I listed HL is the game that I played at a friends house that enticed me to buy a PC and got me into PC games.
IT is a survey from the goverment to see how lazy people are and how much of there life they waist away playing video games. I have had the 360 since laucnh I only have 2100 achievement points.
Forza 2 also takes a very long time... around 3 month to finish...llSapphyrell
Forza 2 takes so long to beat because it is so boring. I cant even finish a race without falling asleep because it feels so slow. No sense of speed. The main thing racing is all about. Forza 2 is like racing geo metro at half throttle.
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