I don't see why there wouldn't be anything but hope for SF4. There are two huge problems I have with this article (and others) that are attempting to claim this game may be "as bad as" the EX games.
First of all, while certainly not as great as some other entries in the SF series, there is nothing particularly "wrong" with the EX games. They control very well, have a nice variety of moves and a pretty balanced character set. Granted, the timing is entirely different then it was in the 2d SF games, but that doesn't make them "bad" games. I see an awful lot of people that love the 3d MK games even though they are a pretty big departure from the legendary original trilogy.
Second, the EX games were NOT created by Capcom, SF4 on the other hand is. The EX series were liscened out to Arika games, which granted does contain some former Capcom employees, but it hardly had the resources available that Cap did.
Besides, while I am personally a truly die-hard fan of the series and probably will be until the day I stop gaming, most people lost interest in fighters quite a while ago. The SF series truly peaked with SFA3 and SF3, and most of the fanbase was already gone by then. Even if this game is as spectacular as SF3 was/is, I don't see it making anywhere near the splash that older titles did. The lack of the arcade environment really hurts a fighting game IMO. I know I got frusterated playing SF2T on XBLA relatively quickly. The amount of people that quit or threw a series of explatives at me when they were starting to lose was staggering and the amount of negative feedback I received after beating someone fair and square was really offputting as well.
Lets face it, while I am personally very excited to get my hands on SF4, the glory days of fighting games died with the arcades. These articles claiming it is some kind of a mistake to make this game in 2.5/3D are just absurd. 2D fighting games don't sell, end of story. If they want o keep making SF titles, they are going to have to move into three dimensions and attact a console following; it worked for MK...
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