I remember when i first saw this game some time ago and it looked nice but now with all the next gen games i have seen it doesn't look that good anymore, its still nice but all next gen games i have seen already look much better than this, imo this doesn't really look next gen. Oh well i'll still try it anyway.
@soulless4now Thats why this is all BS when they don't come out and clearly say "this game will only be available for console X Y Z for ever". Just look at the so called Xbone exclusives, we can clearly tell half of them are going to be released for PS4 later.
All these lies only make things worse to decide which system is worth buying or not. Its BS!!!
@KimCheeWarriorX Yeah, you are right. Thinking again, it was very strange for them not to say if they were exclusives, if they were sony would make sure to state that clearly seeing as they are 2 big and very important titles.
Can someone tell me if Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 are confirmed to be PS4 exclusives? Because they didn't say that at the conference so it seems they are gonna end up announcing them for Xbone too.
I have the PC version and have played the PS3 version but just like this video shows i could barely see any differences when playing the game on either version, they are very close and both look really good.
I think its really impressive what these 7 year old consoles can do when we are right at the end of this generation, remember how the launch games looked for them back then? Its crazy.
Btw, if you are thinking of buying this for the PS3 i suggest you wait for the complete or ultimate edition that will for sure come out for the PS4 (they practically confirmed it already). It will most certainly include Metro Last Light + All 6 DLCs coming out + Metro 2033. I'll buy it for PS4 too when that comes out (probably will also be released for the NewXbox).
@kohle36 @BlackBaldwin I have said this many times before, they have nothing of master race, they are the beggars race. Coming to console games news beg for ports and making petitions everyday, thats all they do.
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