@billlabowski Congratulations, you met all the requirements for being a true PC snob, you trash talked the consoles and said your precious PC is "far superior" all in the same line, spoke like a true PC snob, you can now sleep a little better tonight.
You should read my first comment because it speaks about sad people like you.
@kennythomas26 Congratulations, you are not a fanboy, you can actually spend your time enjoying video games instead of coming here trash talk consoles due to jealousy, all day.
@kidnatural Simply because they are PC snobs, thats what they do, they come here to trash talk the other systems so they can feel better or maybe try to sleep better at night, theres no real reason behind it but pure idiocy.
@ducati101 Exactly, that way you would have a job so you could buy all systems like me. Instead you have to come here trash talk other systems and be a PC snob for life.
@kidnatural GTX680 is what came on the requirements for max setting for crysis 3 so i don't know the rest.
And again i have played crysis 1 on both and yes they are almost the same with small differences like better AA pop in. And its funny you mentioned metro2033 because i never thought that game to have that good graphics to begin with.
Im talking about the product that the developers made and not mods.
And yes coming here everyday to trash talk a system because you don't own it or whatever, proves you are either a PC snob or an idiot, so pick one.
@Fujitani I own crysis 1 and 2 for xbox360 not the ps3 versions so i don't know about those, but the xbox360 versions are almost the same compared to the pc with max settings with no mods of course.
@37smagling73 I did say i noticed a difference with BF3 multiplayer but single player no way, i remember even the jet scene with all the effects on the jet glass and the sea, it was all as good.
I don't know about crysis 3 because its not released.
Like i said, i personally played the games and didn't see any "major differences". I do appreciate you agreeing with my statement about the PC snobs here.
Nolakk's comments