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#1 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts


It would be awesome, but Ocarina of Time is a humongous game. Way bigger than Super Mario 64 and it had almost no load times. The Hyrule fields were so large, I think that would be all that was possible if graphics were updated. For other games I guess it's a different story, but all I'm waiting for is a OoT/TP Zelda game on the DS. There needs to be Hyrule fields! I don't think that the games you listed would ever make it to the DS, except Paper Mario would make sense. Besides Super Mario 64 wasn't as huge as a hit as most people probably expected.


As humongous as okarina of time was, it fit in a small 64 mbit cartridge. Ds cartridges have 2 gigs of capacity.Id preposterous to think even the basic DS couldnt handle it.

You got that backwards. The N64 uses 64megaBYTES cartridgesand the DS can use up to 2gigaBITS(equivalent to 256megaBYTES) cards. The N64 is more powerful, just in different ways. The DSi has more RAM and ONE of its processors are more powerful, but the N64 has the dynamics and a more powerful co-processor. The N64 also has3 resolutions at which it can render games: 256x224, 320x240, and 640x480. That being said, the N64 is can render better graphics than the DS under specific circumstances. (N64 canrender up to 150000 polys/sec and the DS can get up to 120000 polys/sec)

Maybe I'll render a model of Link to show you what he'll look like on the DS.

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#2 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

I'm sure DSi only games could make N64 ports a lot easier

N64 CPU: 94Mhz DSi CPU: 133Mhz and 33Mhz

N64 RAM: 4MB DSi RAM: 16MB

N64 VRAM: 64kb DSi VRAM: (not confirmed to be same as lite) at least 656kb VRAM

N64 cartridges 64MB DS/DSi game cards: up to 256MB

lack of buttons could be a problem, but the touch screen could solve some of those or it may not

i could see Paper Mario, Smash Bros working well and Perfect Dark well

i'd much rather see original Paper Mario for DS/DSi (not happening with M&L3 coming soon), and an original DS/DSi Smash Bros


Um, not really. The N64 uses RDRAM for all ram related functions, VRAM being for assistance(ergo why it has so little). You also forgot about the N64's 62MHz co-processor.There are plenty N64games the DS could handle, but Perfect Dark is not one of them. As stated in an above post, the DS wouldn't be able to run anything very well that uses more than, let's say 2 of the N64's dynamic effects. All of those "dynamics" are used to make the game look better and would have to be stripped to play the game on the DS, it's only dynamics being a hardware fog effect and a cel-shader.

It took me about 2 seconds to think this up, but It would be possible for the DS to run Perfect Dark, but a slight change in art style would be necessary and the effects lightingwould either have to be handled by the cel-shader or drawn on the texture itself. Models could be handled easily, but textures and lighting may cause some difficulty. I'd remake a model and texture it myself to see how it'd work, but I really don't feel like it. Unlike a lighting test, which would only take about 10minutes, this would take hours. The game can be played on the DS(i) but many changes must be made and the game wouldn't too much resemble the original.

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#3 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

Metal Gear Solid GB

Megaman 1-3

and some other stuff...

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#4 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts


It doesn't play videos or movies. It needs more apps and games. Also, the internet could be a little faster.


umm it does play videos see here

That's what people are talking about when they say Nintendo is looking into the feature.

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#5 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

[QUOTE="Gnesh500"][QUOTE="metalkitten"]ehm...i don't wanna play videos or movies on a hand console so i don't careAngry_Mushroom
same here

Agreed. I use my DS for games not media. I have a media player for movies and music.

Same... Well, almost. I don't always carry my media player around, but I always have my DSi. It's very convenient. Who cares ifI don'tneed the features- To tell the truth,I don't need to play games either- I'm just happy that they're there for when I need or want to use them. I wouldn't complain if Nintendo did add more media features, that'd be stupid...

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#6 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

One word - Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars.


I think he already has that game...

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#7 Nomoreblasphemy
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Right now it's Pokemon Platinum, but I'm gonna get Suikoden and Valkyrie Profile soon and I can easily see one of those becoming my new favorites.

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#8 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

I don't know of any game that involve liberating Rome, but GTA and Phantom hourglass allow you to roam freely when you aren't completing missions/dungeons.

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#9 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts


[QUOTE="riariases"] Don't worry. I fully understand now. Its basically how they make animated visuals look so real. They use these in movies, photos, games or anything digital. Like for instance The Matrix. When Neo is dodging bullets, its slowed down and they add animated bullets into the scene because the guns are only firing blanks.riariases

so the DS does already do it? i've been reading some things saying the DS could do more things then nintendo lets on that it does, similar to how RS on GCN did things developers thought couldn't be done (Rogue Squadron is what i meant)

it wouldn't shock me if the DS could do it, or some of this stuff

Well the thing is the DS can do it but to a weak extent. We have to remember its a portable.

Actually, when the DS isn't using a cel-shader, it's using a generic one to show depth. I think Nintendo did the right thing in stripping the DS of all the N64's dynamicsconsidering all that it can do in their stead(better character models and some other stuff that I currently can't recall or do not know of) . Although, it wouldn't have hurt to throw in a texture filter... Oh, well. Even though graphics won't see too much of a change, I can guarantee you won't be disappointed with what Nintendo has planned. If you end up being disappointed, well... uh... I'll be happy once they release Moving Memo.

P.S. 6-8 players on wifi could be a possibility because COD WaW could have more than 4 characters on-screen and the DSi's processor should be able to handle more.

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#10 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts


[QUOTE="riariases"] The DS has Ray-Tracing. In DQM: Joker, if you're walking through a cave, it will look in general darker. But when theres a hole in the cieling of the cave with light and sand pooring through or whatever, the light will shine on you and is noticable, creating a Ray-Tracing effect.riariases

That is not true. Raytracing is used for a photo realism effect. The effect you are talking about is the cel shader, one of the two effects the DS is capable of rendering. I imagine that the main light source wasdimmed and alternate, brighter (probably a spotlight)ones were placed in holes in the top of the cave. Asimpletechnique that even I have taken advantage of in various projects relating to 3D animation.

Well then, can you explain more?

I'll render a scene showing you what I'm talking about. I'll be back in about 10hrs.

Actually, it only takes about 10 minutes to make the scene, but I have something else to do at the moment.