[QUOTE="KurodaMurasaki"]As humongous as okarina of time was, it fit in a small 64 mbit cartridge. Ds cartridges have 2 gigs of capacity.Id preposterous to think even the basic DS couldnt handle it.It would be awesome, but Ocarina of Time is a humongous game. Way bigger than Super Mario 64 and it had almost no load times. The Hyrule fields were so large, I think that would be all that was possible if graphics were updated. For other games I guess it's a different story, but all I'm waiting for is a OoT/TP Zelda game on the DS. There needs to be Hyrule fields! I don't think that the games you listed would ever make it to the DS, except Paper Mario would make sense. Besides Super Mario 64 wasn't as huge as a hit as most people probably expected.
You got that backwards. The N64 uses 64megaBYTES cartridgesand the DS can use up to 2gigaBITS(equivalent to 256megaBYTES) cards. The N64 is more powerful, just in different ways. The DSi has more RAM and ONE of its processors are more powerful, but the N64 has the dynamics and a more powerful co-processor. The N64 also has3 resolutions at which it can render games: 256x224, 320x240, and 640x480. That being said, the N64 is can render better graphics than the DS under specific circumstances. (N64 canrender up to 150000 polys/sec and the DS can get up to 120000 polys/sec)
Maybe I'll render a model of Link to show you what he'll look like on the DS.
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