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#1 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

What's with the not moving memo? I'll spend my 500pts on Dr. Mario, but I won't be happy about it.

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#2 Nomoreblasphemy
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so N64 used 94mhz and 62mhz at same time to get PD visuals, couldn't the DSi 's 133Mhz replicate it well enuff? i mean 133 is closer to 156Mhz than 67Mhz is being as the 33mhz will only be used for touch, 133mhz used for top screen and 3d

and the N64 didn't have 4-8MB of VRAM, the PS2 has 4MB of VRAM i believe.

so shouldn't the DSi be able to run a majority of the CPU usage needed for PD, even though it falls roughly 23Mhz short? it has more than enuff VRAM to run PD, and more than enuff RAM to run PD


The N64 doesn't have VRAM. It uses a similar functioning type of RAM for all RAM relatedfunctionsand has 4-8MB of it. Though somewhat efficient for use with the N64,thistype ofRAM causes otherproblems, which is why Nintendo doesn't use it anymore.The DSishould be able torun PD [withits lower resolution and more skilled devs] , but it wouldn't look anything like it does on the N64 since the system doesn't have any of the effects the N64 has. Imagine it with pixelated textures and no lighting effects, or really effects at all. The N64 in other senses than the RAM and processor speedismore powerful than the DS(i).

The effects can't be programmed into the game, they are programmed into the system itself. If the system doesn't have the effects, neither do the games. As I said before, the N64is capable of Ray-tracing(your coveted lighting effect), lo-res anti-aliasing(reduces size of jaggies), bi/trilinear texture filters(blurrs textures), alpha effects(combines an image with the background to simulate transparency), fog(hides far off objects), gouraud shader(another one of your coveted lighting effects), and some other stuff. The DS can only use a cel shader(creates hand-drawn look- see Phantom hourglass) and the fog effect.

So, in short, the DSi can handle the game, it just can't render the graphics.

The DS has Ray-Tracing. In DQM: Joker, if you're walking through a cave, it will look in general darker. But when theres a hole in the cieling of the cave with light and sand pooring through or whatever, the light will shine on you and is noticable, creating a Ray-Tracing effect.

That is not true. Raytracing is used for a photo realism effect. The effect you are talking about is the cel shader, one of the two effects the DS is capable of rendering. I imagine that the main light source wasdimmed and alternate, brighter (probably a spotlight)ones were placed in holes in the top of the cave. Asimpletechnique that even I have taken advantage of in various projects relating to 3D animation.

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#3 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts



nintendo's' statements are they didn't change any of the hardware. they say little nothing changed. so nintendo says nothing changed, yet they increased the RAM and CPU speed. so they say nothing changed, and we've yet to find someone dissect and discover how much VRAM the DSi has.

we don't know, i'm saying it could produce better graphics, because they denied changing anything, yet they clearly did. and i dont remember questioning the DS's VRAM, which is more than the N64's VRAM i believe.

btw, you have no proof the VRAM didn't change. other than Nintendo saying nothing has changed, which if we know anything about nintendo, they don't like to discuss their hardware's specs.


What are you talking about? Post the quote of them saying the hardware didn't change. All the interview was about all the hardware/software changes they made.

Anyways, they HINTED that the VRAM didn't change. They said the graphics wouldn't change, and in order to change the graphics, you need to change the VRAM. Conclusion= VRAM didn't change. Also, If they didn't want to change the graphics, they wouldn't do more than necessary, meaning that they'd only change what the new features required, none of which needing more VRAM.

By "you have no proof", I meant that the most reliable source available denied your theory. At least I have info that can help prove my theory. Why do even bother arguing? You're notdoing yourselfany good. I'm sure what Nintendo has planned for the DSi will be just as good, if not better.

Go on and there will be a huge interview from "Iwata Ask's" concerning the DSi and its speculations. The people talking are Nintendo's Yui Ehara, Kentaro Mita and Masato Kuwahara, all development engineers from Nintendo. They specifiaclly say that "It was as if they TRIED not to change much." They also said "Nintendo doesn't want to treat the products that are already out there as "old" and say to consumers, "Now you've got to buy our latest product!". " But then after that they said " According to statistics, there are an average of 2.8 DS users per household that has a DS in Japan, but each of those households only possesses, on average, 1.8 DS consoles. I hope with the advent of the DSi the average number of consoles will approach the average number of users per household." So if the DSi is successful, abandoning the DS Lite is abviously on their mind. No wonder exclusive games were announced. Thats also why they updated the ram and processor even though they suppossedly didn't, according to them. A more powerful system for what? Well what the hell do you think? This is their easy out way to ditch the Lite. I'm excited. Now go get a DSi and stop feeling sorry for yourself sub-consciously.

I already have one. My motives are much different than yours. I don't feel sorry for myself at all. Considering why I'm really here, I'm actuallyquite proud.

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#4 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

it is $200 in canada (as mentioned before) but the EBgames here, if you trade your old DSL and 1 game, you get $100 towards the DSi. even though i'm not a huge fan of the DSi (haven't had one in my hands and had the experience of playing it yet) it IS the new console, and it WILL surpass the DSL. if you need something now i'd go for the DSi if i were you. i don't think the price is going to drop for quite some time, since it usually takes a year or so for consoles to drop in price... so, like mentioned before, go for the DSi because that's whats the newest thing out.


According to Nintendo, the price will not drop for either the DS Lite or the DSi. They don't want to make users who bought the system on launch feel like they wasted their money. Price cuts are their last resort and they won't do one unless absolutely necessary. That's why the Wii is not getting one even though its sell have dropped significantly.

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#5 Nomoreblasphemy
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additionally, if the DSi has had no VRAM change, but it still has much more VRAM than the N64, and the N64 ran Perfect Dark, which needed a 94Mhz CPU, and 8MB RAM, with like what, 64k VRAM? wouldn't the DS lite not be able to replicate PD's visuals due to not running the CPU at 94Mhz and not having 8MB RAM?

so even if the DSi has no increase in VRAM, wouldn't its 133Mhz CPU and 16MB RAM be able to handle a game like Perfect Dark, coz its VRAM needed was only 64kb? just asking in general, coz there are still some N64 games that look better than any DS game to me, i've yet to see the quality of lighting in PD in any DS game


THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?!?!? The lighting? Um, the N64's secondary CPU is way faster, clocked at 62.5MHz, as opposed the DS' 33MHz. The N64's chipset is also loaded with algorithms for various effects such as ray-tracing, lo-res anti-aliasing, bi/trilinear texture filters, agauraud shader, alpha effects, and so on. None of which the DS can do.PD graphics, as far as lighting and related effects go, cannot be done on any DS model. The only thing the DS has over the N64 is a higher amount of polys that can be rendered- 120,000 as opposed to 100,000.

P.S. The only algorithms the DS has is for a cel shader and a fog effect.

P.S. I don't thin the N64 has VRAM. There are other types of RAM that function similarly to VRAM, the N64 having 4-8MB of it.

so N64 used 94mhz and 62mhz at same time to get PD visuals, couldn't the DSi 's 133Mhz replicate it well enuff? i mean 133 is closer to 156Mhz than 67Mhz is being as the 33mhz will only be used for touch, 133mhz used for top screen and 3d

and the N64 didn't have 4-8MB of VRAM, the PS2 has 4MB of VRAM i believe.

so shouldn't the DSi be able to run a majority of the CPU usage needed for PD, even though it falls roughly 23Mhz short? it has more than enuff VRAM to run PD, and more than enuff RAM to run PD

The N64 doesn't have VRAM. It uses a similar functioning type of RAM for all RAM relatedfunctionsand has 4-8MB of it. Though somewhat efficient for use with the N64,thistype ofRAM causes otherproblems, which is why Nintendo doesn't use it anymore.The DSishould be able torun PD [withits lower resolution and more skilled devs] , but it wouldn't look anything like it does on the N64 since the system doesn't have any of the effects the N64 has. Imagine it with pixelated textures and no lighting effects, or really effects at all. The N64 in other senses than the RAM and processor speedismore powerful than the DS(i).

The effects can't be programmed into the game, they are programmed into the system itself. If the system doesn't have the effects, neither do the games. As I said before, the N64is capable of Ray-tracing(your coveted lighting effect), lo-res anti-aliasing(reduces size of jaggies), bi/trilinear texture filters(blurrs textures), alpha effects(combines an image with the background to simulate transparency), fog(hides far off objects), gouraud shader(another one of your coveted lighting effects), and some other stuff. The DS can only use a cel shader(creates hand-drawn look- see Phantom hourglass) and the fog effect.

So, in short, the DSi can handle the game, it just can't render the graphics.

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#6 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

Feels ignored... Im serious! This is retarded if you want to talk about it, go to the right thread. this is supposed to be about prices not features :/


That should be the last post on the subject. Just clearing some stuff up.

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#7 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

whats the point of getting dsi exclusive if it has no extra features??k1o8

There'll be extra features, the only difference between these andthe enhanced cardsbeing that the game will be unplayable on the DS Lite

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#8 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

additionally, if the DSi has had no VRAM change, but it still has much more VRAM than the N64, and the N64 ran Perfect Dark, which needed a 94Mhz CPU, and 8MB RAM, with like what, 64k VRAM? wouldn't the DS lite not be able to replicate PD's visuals due to not running the CPU at 94Mhz and not having 8MB RAM?

so even if the DSi has no increase in VRAM, wouldn't its 133Mhz CPU and 16MB RAM be able to handle a game like Perfect Dark, coz its VRAM needed was only 64kb? just asking in general, coz there are still some N64 games that look better than any DS game to me, i've yet to see the quality of lighting in PD in any DS game


THAT'S WHAT YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT?!?!? The lighting? Um, the N64's secondary CPU is way faster, clocked at 62.5MHz, as opposed the DS' 33MHz. The N64's chipset is also loaded with algorithms for various effects such as ray-tracing, lo-res anti-aliasing, bi/trilinear texture filters, agauraud shader, alpha effects, and so on. None of which the DS can do.PD graphics, as far as lighting and related effects go, cannot be done on any DS model. The only thing the DS has over the N64 is a higher amount of polys that can be rendered- 120,000 as opposed to 100,000.

P.S. The only algorithms the DS has is for a cel shader and a fog effect.

P.S. I don't thin the N64 has VRAM. There are other types of RAM that function similarly to VRAM, the N64 having 4-8MB of it.

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#9 Nomoreblasphemy
Member since 2008 • 198 Posts

Well yesterday I got my core 3000 (best buy just had the silver psp on bundle) and a 4gb ms duo with it, so my questions are these:

1. Which is the absolute best between these 3? retribution, gow or secret agent clank?

Uh, I strongly dislike all of those games, but I dislike GOW the least.

2.Is there any free game on the ps store?

Just demos

3.If i have credit on the ps3 store will it work on the psp one?

I'm pretty sure the credit's attached to your account. It should still be there once you log in to your PSN account on the PSP.

4. recommended accesories?


5.Why cant i find Go! msn?

IDK again

thank you


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#10 Nomoreblasphemy
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Yep, there's 3 types of DSi content:

DSi Ware- Games and apps DL'd from the DSi Shop (only for DSi)

DSi Enhanced Cards- DS game cards that work with both systems [DS and DSi] but have more features when put into the DSi.

DSi Exclusive Cards- Game cards that will only work with the DSi system.