Is it wrong to get a thrill up one's legs hearing Phil Spencer speak?
Then I do not want to be right, I can not explain it but the man does possess a certain charisma and dignity. I can not imagine what the Japanese felt coming face to face with the man. I would imagine some of them feinted.
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Do you feel this way about feel Mr.Spencer as well? I mean with all he is doing for Xbox it is an understandable feeling.
The executives at Sony must be trembling. This is exciting news from a great developer. With the money Microsoft throws at them their potential is limitless.
Is it wrong to get a thrill up one's legs hearing Phil Spencer speak?
Then I do not want to be right, I can not explain it but the man does possess a certain charisma and dignity. I can not imagine what the Japanese felt coming face to face with the man. I would imagine some of them feinted.
Instead of wasting resources on making this half-assed bc M$ should be investing in new studios and games
They have been, wait till E3, your mind will be amazed. Everyone should have an Xbox One, why have you not gotten one yet? You could sell your PS4 to help afford it.
Very important to me. I lose sleep thinking about Microsoft being overcome by Sony.
Don't worry, Microsoft has a great portfolio of products to keep them in the black. Sony, on the other hand, is in some serious trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if they got bought out within the next 5 years.
Thanks for the words of encouragement. This will definitely help me sleep more at night. Sometimes I worry about Major Nelson and Phil Spencer though. I know how much they do for us and the company and I hope they are not working too hard.
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