@dakur said:
I thank M$ for destroying legendary developers like FASA, Ensemble, Digital Anvil, Lionhead, Rare and almost killing Polyphony Digital. Also for introducing rip offs like kidnapping online play behind a pay wall, making microtransactions and temporal exclusivity a thing. Also for releasing the console with the highest error rates ever in the history of gaming. I would like to thank them too for their lack of compromise to developing gaming further and having a pathetic first party and a lack of vision to create new and successful franchises. Finally I would like to thank them for monopolizing the PC environment making it more difficult to have true universal compatibility between PC Operating Systems which could push gaming even further. So thanks M$, for nothing.
**** that sarcasm **** it. I wanted a real letter it is what I wanted. NOT THIS JUMBLED MESS OF HATE! Everyone reading this saw your message for what it was the bitter message of someone probably banned from Xbox Live for hate speech. The sheer gall demonstrated in your post is what pisses me off the most.
Microsoft works their ass off for computer gamers and without Microsof there would be no PC games. Windows is so much better than Linux or Apple's operating system. You thought you were being clever with this but all that you ended up doing was making all the pro Microsoft people in the thread look like geniuses, so I guess I should thank you for that.
None of those studios that you mentioned can blame Microsoft for their being shut down. Not one single one of them have anyone to blame but themselves and their shitty decisions that they have made. Polyphony Digital is a Sony studio so you can not even get your facts right.
Microsoft did not kidnap online play behind a pay wall. They optimized the online experience so that you enjoy little to no disconnects versus PC gaming where you constantly disconnect. Naturally they are going to charge money for such excellent service.
Microtransactions are a good thing for the consumer. Why pay a ton of money for one expansion pack when you can pay bits and pieces for what you do and do not want. One example is Killer Instinct for Xbox One and in that game you can select which fighters you want to include in your roster or purchase them all.
Temporal exclusivity happens because Microsoft wants to give their gamers the best first and deliver sloppy seconds to the rest of you. If you do not like temporal exclusivity than buy the Xbox One. With that system ( the best system) you do not have to wait for a game to come to your platform.
The RROD is not even that big of a deal to be honest and all three have had hardware troubles like the PS3's YLOD. What minimizes the RROD further is Microsoft's willingness to replace systems that experienced the issues or repair it for a small fee. Also Microsoft's customer service as pointed out in this thread by others is good.
Before I touch this last point I want you to know your message made me so upset that I almost chewed my thumb off. My thumb is really hurting and has teeth marks on it and is bleeding slightly. Luckily I will just pour alcohol on it but you are lucky it was not bleeding as in blood coming out and was just scraped or I would possibly be able to sue you.
Finally Microsoft does invest in quality first party titles. Look at Sunset Overdrive , Sea of Thieves, and Recore. Not to mention the brilliant visions they have for already established franchises.
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