[QUOTE="NsNsis"]So I just got FO3 this day, and I just went throu it to see what its all about. Pretty much, the whole (quite short, yet I got out of the vault and into a city) was very much like Oblivion. Speaking with pepole is fun, exploring the world and all, and the garaphics are sharp and nicely done, but, just like Oblivion, the GP cant seem to satesfy me. Just like Oblivion, its just not fun, fighting in FO3 creates very odd situations, if you shot somone, he will shot back at you, and thats about as good as the AI (seemes, so far) to get. Your enemy (humans) dont even move an inch, and the animation is so wierd, nothing actually moves about him, and he actually holds the gun at the wrist and looks like a dull pointing at you. You dont even see or feel the bullets that comes out of your weapon. Shooting in the head is as good as nothing and it takes a lot of bullets until you take sombeoudy down.
Yes, I know its not an FPS, I love RPG games, but really, when I fight someone that I could speak to just a few minuts ago, which means he can tallk, I expect him to also be able to do the amazing move of "wallking".
I still need to play more to really jduge the game, but I allrady know I wont find much when it comes to the GP part of FO3, sadly.
The thing is, since the shooting does use stat aspects such as the damage rating fo the gun and your skill with it, head shots and everything do effect your foes. I'm at a point where 1 shot to the head with my scoped .44 magnum and 95 skill in small arms will drop even a Super Mutant Master. Plus I've gotten good at taking leg shots at fast enemies to slow them down or shooting the rocket launchers out of Raiders' hands.
it sounds like you haven't played it enough to get good at shooting yet.
True, I also feel that I didnt even scratch the FO3 universe. I just hope that the Gameplay will turn out to be very fun, beacuse that was the bigest let down with Oblivion. Maybe they will tweak the AI and animaitions with a patch.
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