So why the hell is it so hard to be considerate to players and developers? Why is it so hard to think "if I do this, I might get in trouble for it"? Oh right, the increasing amount of brain degradation over the past years. And this goes passed video game names, the fact it's gone as far as "video game names" is proof itself. When you can't restrain yourself from something ever so simple.
Goddamn everytime I see an image of Kojima, he always looks like he's having intellectual thoughts or he's going to tell you something after said deep thoughts.
@BasiK3108 Not to instigate anything, but with my recent experiences with MP games, I've experienced nothing but exploiters and elitists. MP is barely a place to have fun anymore (at least to me), but more of a place to wage ego's against one another. I've got enough troubles in life than go into an online game and get pit up against try-hards and elitists who pick "easy mode" characters, guns, cars, etc. Or people who'd judge you based on your choices, regardless if you're good with it or not.
Last time I had fun in an MP game was F.E.A.R. (1). The only games I play these days are coop games or SP. So everyone has their reasons.
Because it wastes resources on useless gadgets to compete with other companies who already have that market on lock down. As I've always said about this mentality (sarcastically)
"Why be good at one thing, when you can be terrible at everything?"
This seems to be the matra of the new gaming industry.
OGKNav's comments