O_Lineman17's forum posts
Clip #1: 1566 frames, 1001 dupes, 21.623fps
Clip #2: 1825 frames, 1098 dupes, 23.882fps
Clip #3: 1032 frames, 601 dupes, 25.024fps
Clip #4: 893 frames, 486 dupes, 27.310fps
Clip #5: 773 frames, 386 dupes, 30fps
Clip #6: 813 frames, 437 dupes, 27.709fps
Clip #7: 1241 frames, 628 dupes, 29.613fps
Clip #8: 727 frames, 443 dupes, 23.389fps
Clip #9: 1197 frames, 598 dupes, 30fps
Clip #10: 113 frames, 591 dupes, 28.112fpsresolution
Metal Gear Online (beta) = 1024x768 (2xAA, temporal)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriot = 1024x768 (2xAA, temporal)
It doesnt matter to me because its the best looking game that ive playied and runs smooth like butter
You just pretty much made yourself look like a fool, I don't mean to offend you, but smooth like butter isn't sub 30fps anyway you look at it.Don't be a smartass. It's pretty hard to distinguish 25fps from 30fps.
You may not notice because you're enojying the game too much, and that's really what matters to be honest. I have the game, love it, but yes, I do notice the difference. I think it's just because I also use my computer for the majority of my gaming purposes and so those 5 fps are worth an exra $250 for me to spend on a graphics card so I get smooth as butter. MGS4 is not smooth as butter, but the way the game plays, you hardly notice at all, so this thread fails.
[QUOTE="wmc540"]I can't believe all of this hypocritical crying. I hate the new character designs...I hate the new gameplay... suck it up. I bet in any other thread you are begging game companies to be more innovative. I don't want to play it because it looks new... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Give it a rest.EuroMafiaYou give it a rest. It's not because it looks new, it just looks crap.
Seriously, what looks like crap about it? It just seems to me that you're whining because it's not following the original formula. Yet, as wmc540 said, most gamers complain there is no innovation. So as soon as RARE changes up their formula a bit to maybe add something to the game to make it "different", it's all of a sudden not banjo anymore and it looks like crap. To be honest, the art style is leaps and bounds above many other games. Since there hasn't been enough gameplay shown to pass off that the game is crap, why make that assumption?
"While our reviews, of course, do contain an element of subjectivity to them"
Did you skip that line?:|
If you're looking for a Core 2 Quad, well my recommendation would have to go to the Q6700, but that's only because I have one and the prices have reduced drastically. For roughly $60 cheaper you can grab a Q6600 and be fine. I use both in two seperate PC's, they're both great processors.
Q6700: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115027
Q6600: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115017
For a video card I would recommend holding off for just a bit longer as the 9800GTX+ is set to release here soon and the price point will be around $230. Personally, I'm going to wait until July 8th and get an ATI 4870,which by the looks of it, will easily be more powerful and be just about $20 more than the 9800GTX+.
I don't know what your budget is but for a mother board I recommend this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813141005
This motherboard(given that you stick with Nvidia) will last you a very long time. I've used it in several builds and have no issues with it at all.
PSU: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817341002
Great Power Supply. Once again, no troubles. 700W.
But I also take into concideration when purchasing Power Supplies if I plan on Upgrading in later years, so bigger may be better because you will not have to worry about replacing it later, for that I recommend:
For your RAM I'd go with: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145184
4GB of RAM, just take into concideration that you're going to need a 64bit OS to see it all.
I personally think it's probably the best game that has come out so far this gen. Does it deserve a ten? I'm not sure. One game that did not was GTA4. I would have much rather spent that $60 on Condemned 2 TBH. Did I buy GTA4 just because it got a 10? Yes. The fact that game reviewers all over were giving it a ten and how very misleading their reviews were. IGN touted it as the best game since Ocarina of Time and that the Story takes you so in that it feels like your in a movie. No, just no. I like sandbox games, and this had Win written all over it with sandbox AND an amazing story. I was dissapointed in both aspects TBH. I do not go by reviewers anymore.
My point, go with what you saw and played.
thats one helluva crappy list IMHO, except crysis which is decent. id take Gears 2 over all those games combinedmingo123
That's one hell of a list if you ask me. I'm going to be able to Enjoy Gears 2, and a game that an entire country plays as a sport. WOW How lucky can I get?I would take that entire list Over Gears Halo, and that whole 360 exclusive list anyday. Although I like the games, just no 360 games have anything on these. Crysis is my least wanted out of that list
[QUOTE="JayPee89"][QUOTE="bladeeagle"][QUOTE="JayPee89"]Yahtzee is at it again. :lol:
Little late there bud.
It just went up 12 hrs. ago. Some of us actually have lives to live outside the internet. :roll:You don't need to be an ass dude
It's system Wars, nut up man. I remember when system wars used to be a place when some one was insulted, they insulted back, not just telling them to stop...it's gettin' boring here...
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