I don't know which to choose. I've played FF for a long time now, and have always loved the games, but I also love Bioware. It seems way to early to tell...as of right now I'm leaning towards Mass Effect, but if we get more info on FF13 it might go the other way
Those geow,halo 3,motor-storm are not next-gen games. Consoles aren't able to run next-gen games. Don't u agree?
No and I have a computer that is capable of running Crysis at high settings (with vista, an 8800, the whole shabang) spent $1200, very happy about my computer, but I would say Gears of War, Motorstorm (no one can say anything about halo 3 right now) are nex-gen games to, along with many others. We have yet to play Crysis, the only thing we can see it right now is how beautiful it looks.
Anyone know if gamespot if even gonna do an april fools thing this year?? I know it's kind of a stupid question, but I wanna see if they can do something a little more believable than HOMEless, or the Xbox 360 Brute Edition.
PGR3, drving along and looking at the lighting. I got a bundle that came with this game, and popped it in right when my 360 was all hooked up I put in PGR3, WOW. I was blown away. Just the lighting in the game and the physics, it all was great.
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