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#1 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

Oblivion. Was expecting the best RPG I had ever played after reading countless previews and after playing through Morrowind many, many times.

Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, Halo 2/3 (They were ok games, just not all they were hyped to be).

To be honest, most generations haven't really let me down with games. There is Brute Force and a few others from the past, but this generations seems to be filled with outlandish promises for games that never seem to come true.

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#2 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

I've got it on PC. I've found my true love.

I've always loved the call of Duty games(Except 3, hated that with a passion). Call of Duty 4 is just a great game. I play it on hardcore/Tactical servers online, no nade spam, S&D; hell of a fun online game. On console it's an OK game, but then again, I just can't play FPS games like CoD on a console.

All in all, idk where you're commin from saying the game is too easy on veteran and what not. I can't complain about much in this game.

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#3 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

I have to agree with you.

Bioshock was a pretty atmospheric game, with great sound design, but compared to Condemned 2, it just isn't nearly as, shall I say, involving.

Condemned 2 really draws you into the game. In Bioshock (like in most games, to be fair), I felt alot more detached from the goings on.

In Condemned 2, it's like you are the one shuffling about in these horrific environments beating the **** out of people.

The visuals are great and gritty, and the sound design is darkly glorious.

Monolith is a master of atmosphere. On that note, who's ready for Project Origin? :D



Gahhh, this is killing me. I loved the first Condemned, actually one of the very few games I love on my 360. I still don't have 2 yet :(. I'm only halfway through building my computer(Yes, I'm about 80% hermit people), so I just don't have the money to buy Condemned 2. When I get around to it though, I do not think it will be a let down in the slightest.

And Project Origin, I can't freakin wait for that game.

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#4 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

The way I see it. Games like GTA will always be remembered. That franchise brought many new things to the table that many developers try to mimic today. Then you got other games like zelda and metroid, and mario, etc. Mostly Nintendo. Do you know why? Because Nintendo is almost always attempting to bring something new to the table. They mix it up. Sure games like Bioshock were good in their own respect, but lets compare it to System Shock 2. I don't want to sound like I'm bashing the game, because I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's just that it was too simple. I expected much more, and recieved a lot less. The story was great, the game played very well, it just didn't come close to what I expected in terms of actual difficulty. I expected something to test my mind around every twist and turn the game brought, and it failed to do so. Games like Bioshock will be forgotten. What about Crysis? IMO I think Crysis will be remembered for a long time. The graphics engine used in the game will be looked at as a benchmark for games to try to achieve for a couple more years, and the game will be looked at as setting the bar very high in the graphics department for video games. Do you see what 'm saying?

Games that bring/offer something new to the table are the ones that become classics.

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#5 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts
Any body else think Alan Wake looks much worse than it's earlier screenshots? or are these the same screens? Maybe I'm just spoiled by other games?
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#6 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts
I seriously hope this is a joke thread...for all that is holy...
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#7 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

Amount of time played/spent on games does not determine wheter you are hardcore -_-

People need to stop saying that.


Actually it does. Tell me if one guy plays football non stop for the entire week as opposed to another playing football once every month who is the hardcore one?

Agreed. But it's not necesarrily the time. The guy most likely plays it not because he's forced, or just for the heck of it, it's because he loves the game. Look at it this way. That guy playing everyday could just be playing a short game of touch football with friends. While that playing once a week could be going 3 hr intense training workouts. It's all about how you look at this thing as a whole. If you're able to enjoy the things for what they truly are, and not just because it's "cool", than I think that's the hardcore.

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#8 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

I know this is a topic that is battled quite often who should be considered a hardcore gamer. I'm going to throw my opinion out there, and just see what you guys think of it.

I was just talking to some of my friends the other day about games, and brought up Half-Life. WOW. Out of 4, only 1 person knew what game I was talking about, none of the others had ever heard of the game. I thought it was completely ridiculous to be able to call yourself a gamer and not know about one of the absolute best FPS franchises to this date.

Then I thought, that these are really what casual gamers are. Just the ones that play to say they can play. The ones who pick up the games everyone else is playing. The ones who pick up the crappy games, and to justify their purchase, call it one of the best games they have ever played.

I think Hardcore gamers are the ones that know what's going on. Know how to evaluate their games. They can enjoy a game for what it truly is. An example of this is psychonauts. I showed one of my friends about a month ago me playing the game, he tried, and said he hated it. Said the graphics were horrible. WOW. It amazes me how spoiled people are with games. They love games with amazing graphics, but as soon as they take a look at one with meh graphics, they can't play. I seriously think a Hardcore gamer is one that knows what goes in the gaming world, and can respect a game for what it truly is, not just what lies on the surface.

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#9 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

Nerd, even for someone who has never played a Civ game? Is it a quick learn? I am a history buff so that is one of the appealing aspects of the game for me.



If you're into history, this game is definitely fun.

t does hae a fairly steep learning curve. The basic gameplay is very simple and intuitive to get into, but when you want to play more advanced and utilize all the features the game has to offer, it takes a while.

It can be quick to learn depending on how wuickly you pick up on things. Here's a tip I wish someone gave me: Actually read this game's manual

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#10 O_Lineman17
Member since 2005 • 1128 Posts

Halo 3

Okok, I know, didn't hate it, but I expected a lot more. I couldn't even finish the campaign by myself. I had to have my friend force me through it, literally. It was cliche/repetitive. Although, this was the ending to the trilogy, still, it felt veryvery much like the last two installments, which in turn, made the game feel very dry. Some praise it as amazing, well IMO, it's a huge letdown. Multiplayer was fun, but after 2 weeks, I was completely through with it.

Ok game, but not what it's praised as.