I see a lot of people whining about how the boss battles deviate from freedom of choice and forces you to use guns and be aggressive. Apparently they haven't watched the trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NToxyDZKuMM
Darwin said it's not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. You may have played the game on stealth mode but if you can't adapt to the situation at hand you won't survive. You can whine all you want but things change in life whether you like it or not.
This game has taught me a life lesson that being adaptive is very important for survival.
Having the boss battles deviate is a good design in that it forces the player to "adapt" rather than have the freedom to do the same play$tyle. A boss battle would be so lame if you can just defeat him/her with you hiding then shoot then repeat the process. There woudln't be much challenge. doing stealth against a boss is not a good design because unlike levels where you're dealing with cameras, turrets, robots and many enemies, in a boss battle, you're only dealing with one person, the boss.
agreed, i really enjoyed having some fighting thrown in as i went full stealth/hacker and only ever had a 10mm pistol for boss fights on me and they were tons of fun all reviewers are knobs...
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