Obiwan_1O's forum posts
What I absolutely want:
- Marine to Marine battle, modern time no tanks, ships, or etc just rifle soldiers against rifle soldiers kind of life the rifleman in C&C RA1
- That being said I don't mind ifI play against bots but online would be a bonus
- Large scale battles not like company of heroes but like 100 vs 100 rifleman somewhere on the map and another 100 vs 100 on another part of the map and etc
- Objective is to have most resources secured to make more infantry and take over opponents
- No hero system
- Some kind ofa minor cover system not like company of heroes but something like trench warfare to give defensive player a bit of an advantage
- Artillery and trucks to transport just to create some variation but again only optional
- Prefarably one resource to farm and to build troops
- While no hero system, units should be able to level up and be 'elite' this is already seen in many strategy games
- A place for the infantry to heal up not like an ambulance on the battlefied but where they can go back to heal up such as a barracks
Thank you
have fun making that
I particularly enjoyed the dolphin line
nuff said
crysis 2
the witcher 2
any racing game (dirt series F1 2010)
global agenda
section 8
fable series
The bugs were exaggerated, and there really aren't any right now. Great game online too.
^ This
shogun is imo the best but empire is also great and i never had any problems, pc gamers are pu$$ies and whiners idk where they get the gall to say empire is bad aside from the fact that the guns only is not quiteas fun gameplay as the swords and melee of rome/medieval/shogun
PS shogun 2 is on sale on steam right now...
... a month long demo for 3.75 doesn't sound like too bad a deal... thinkin' about it... time is still a factor for me (gotta love work lol)no1alboogie
ive tried the demo and its just not very good, best scifi mmo imo is eve right now
If you start with the first not only will you know the story and characters but all your choices transfer over into the second game, and let me tell you, your choices are a big big part of the game.
i have a 2500k and a gtx 560 ti, but crysis on 1600x900 is still lagging with all settings high, medium water, and no motion blur, is there a big issue here? i feel i should be able to run it.
crysis 1? ya that is a freakin hog, dont expect to max stuff with AA
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