Obiwan_1O's forum posts
im confused you wanted to get the same socket so you wouldnt have to upgrade the mobo, then you upgraded to the same socket and now need a new mobo? I would just return the cpu and get an intel...
heaven forbid they sell us many magnificent maps along with a ton of other nice little things for below market value if you just buy it all at once instead of piecing it out...
zunes music player is the best. microsoft knows software no matter how bad the first ideration of the actual zune was.
or 7850 both amazing $/performance
< 85c is fine dont listen to these fools.
[QUOTE="ionusX"] lulz my phenom II x6 runs it at a constant 60fps idk wut he is on aboot. it just likely multi-core cpu's. so i would say minimum core 2 quad or phenom I x4
That is total BS and lies, go WVW with like 100 ppl all fighting with High, FXAA, High, Ultra, All, High, SUPERSAMPLE, Ultra, High, High, best texture filtering, depth blur, high res character textures, and V-sync at 1080p and you will not get solid 100% 60FPS
it happens mon ami. i mean sometimes my fps dips but the lowest ive seen it go is 55fps. you also need to remember i game normally at 720p. i dont game @ 1080p unlike basically everyone else who is a regular on this forum. my benchmarks have been taken in the shatterer world event, WvW (fortress sieges (off)ensive and defensive), and in major cities (lions arch, divinities reach, GL holdbrek, rata sum, the b. citadel) as well as in the wild (basically anywhere north or south of holdbrek and the black citadel). not once has fps dipped down to unplayable and ive never seen a 40's digit EVERid say if i had to give you a range its like 55-70fps constantly or an average of about 60
and thats a perfectly acceptable and understandable explination, you cant really compare my frames at 1080p to yours at 720p its apples and oranges. Either way to the OP even with ur current setup i wouldnt hesatate to get the game even for a second I find it amazing and one of the best RPGs out there, just dont expect to max with an i3.
that's bs i have an 7970 and the witcher 2 is chicken sh*t no contest.... but on the other hand cant get gta 4 over 20 frames :) my pc specs below
You sure about that? My 6990 couldn't even run it maxed at playable frames.
ya i love how ppl just ignore what were talking about actually maxing and claim crappy setups can do rediculous stuff. Sometimes it just takes one setting to kill FPS such as Ubersampling/Supersampling.
game is really REALLY processor heavy. seriousley doubt the GPU is your bottleneck. my i7 dosnt get solid 60 with everything maxed +supersampling i get between 60-40 fps
FML, guess that means I need a i5 at the very least?
lulz my phenom II x6 runs it at a constant 60fps idk wut he is on aboot. it just likely multi-core cpu's. so i would say minimum core 2 quad or phenom I x4That is total BS and lies, go WVW with like 100 ppl all fighting with High, FXAA, High, Ultra, All, High, SUPERSAMPLE, Ultra, High, High, best texture filtering, depth blur, high res character textures, and V-sync at 1080p and you will not get solid 100% 60FPS
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