I want to preface by saying that I can play any game smoothly with max settings so >30 fps at this point im still happy with the CPU and planning on waiting for haswell to upgrade. Having said that for instance every test/benchmark that specifies CPU is always my lowest score such as in my windows experience index where every single option is 7.9 with the CPU at 7.6. Now some games that could have higher frames and arent like at 60fps are total war shogun 2, empire total war, battlefield 3, GW2, the witcher 2, borderlands 2 (with max physx), batman AC, Metro 2033, and crysis 2. For gaming core clock speed and more efficent clock speed (which his used and what I was hoping for cheap 2500k has the advantage with) are king. Games simply cannot utilize all 8 cores on my CPU and shogun is a perfect example of that, the game should be a joke but its not >60fps b/c it dosent utilize the cores for squat. I rape at handbrake and BOINC though ;D
A true 8-core with the Nehalem i7 architecture would perform quite a bit better in some of those games than your 930. I don't know that such a CPU ever existed. What you have is a quad-core with hyperthreading. Hyperthreading is utilized by next to no games. Of course clock for clock efficiency has improved with Sandy and Ivy Bridge, but Nehalem is still a very strong architecture. Consider the fact that many of us here still use 3 to 4ghz Phenom II X4's as our CPUs and get very good performance in games. Your CPU is quite a bit faster clock for clock. How you spend your money is your business, but I think you're misusing the term "bottleneck" by tagging your CPU as such. It's definitely not.
Misusing bottleneck I am not, a bottleneck exsists in any system and it is simply whatever is the slowest component preventing the the others from fully utilizing all of their potential. You are a small minded arrogant prick who cant see beyond himself and cannot simply understand something without comparing it to himself. I do not care at all what you are using or how it compares, I never said my CPU was SLOW I said relativley to the rest of MY syetem it is the SLOWEST and that is a massive difference. It is my money and I will do whatever the hell I want with it as I worked hard for it. Also I know far more about computers than you and I dont need an education about cores as I know i7s dont have 8 physical cores, and thats not what im talking about. What I am talking about is the difference between his i5 and my i7 which is 4 virtual cores equaling a total 8 logical cores which the games dont care about at all giving me no performance increase, therefore the only difference between his i5 and my i7 is clock speed and efficency at that clock speed. With my 212 evo I could get his 2500k to 4.5 GHz vs my current 3.8 which would yeild a much greater performance and if I could of got it cheap and then sold mine It would have been worth it. that is all...
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