Get a new cpu motherboard and memory, pick up a SSD, a new case, bigger hard drive, and reuse the psu,and gpu and 500gb if you want too keep it as storage. Right now there isnt much out there in terms of games that requires more then a GTX 560ti to run on high/max settings. So I would hold onto that until you actually need to upgrade it..
Some ideas to get you started
i5 3570k
Z77 based motherboard
8gb DDR3 1600mhz+
Corsair Carbide Series or Coolermaster HAF series Cases
1-2 Tb hard drive.
This ^^
Ignore the fanbois above - they are right but at the same time SOOOOO wrong. Yes the 7950/7970 would be the way to go, and i would advise them over other cards on the market at the moment, BUT there is nothing wrong with the 560ti and as pointed out most the games will still be comfortable and would maybe only give a slight NOTICEABLE performance from your 560ti (example 100 FPS compared to 70FPS, most people struggle to tell the difference above 30FPS and is only really bragging rights)
At least wait for the 8000 series cards and if possible the 700s just to make sure you get a decent upgrade, rather than a very slight one
Nvidia and AMD both have fantastic cards that you cant go wrong with, AMD just have better price/performance. 560ti will do the job for now if you cant afford to change all at once. If you can then either way I would wait just a tad longer till the 8xxx series cards come out as they will at least drop other prices if not be worth getting themselves, and they should be out early next year. If you can't wait then I would personally choose a 7970as its what I have and I love it, plus the value is fantastic with a good price and 3 great games that will push your rig and show some beautiful graphics.
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