The continued persistence of bringing up what is subjective, as well as other games of semantics, when people run out of points for an effective argument. Also lol alts
Social anxiety and an unbalanced set of hormones and other chemicals is dangerous force, to say the least. However, I am informed the public conception of the belief of Anarchism is eschewed. Perhaps a fine example of the Anarchist Movement would care to explain?
[QUOTE="Sunsha"] It is so that we can get our +1 to post count. Ofc. Surely high post counts are not so important as to justify a special pinned thread for folks to spam pointlessly and aimlessly?
While it may have been the apparent theme and subject of the show, I found that it lurked a tad too much upon the topic of adolescent drama and puberty as a whole. Regardless, I found its original style and interesting cast of characters intriguing. The few physical action scenes scattered throughout were also quite the treats.
Hrm, it seems a low level user such as myself is unable to post images here. A shame, however understandable. This place certainly seems to be inhabited by quite the colorful bunch, if this thread is any indication.
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