Nah not really. People just like to argue to much though and they jump on any lil thing you say wrong even if it doesnt pertain to the topic or original arguement. Everyones a genius appparently also. Hey better then System Wars.
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
Theres actually been studies done on this and they say that Money tends to bring more problems andstress and can lead to early death. I thought that sounded crazy but Ive always been poor but happy also so idk
man that is bad for people who GB...I hadnt even thought of that...are they even making BF3 a GB game?
Wish theyd let us know so I can start saving up money...I got the PS3 atlaunchno problem but I didnt have a son and girlfriend back then lol
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]If you are looking into getting a gaming PC, don't buy overpriced crap like Alienware. Go to the PC hardware section and ask there for help with the parts and put it together yourself also trust me its not hard or complicated to do so because i am only 14 and pretty dumb yet i still managed to do it.PC is considered more nerdy and antisocial and expensive...I always thought this along with all my checking into BF3 forPCand getting a Gaming PC because some guys on here talked me into going to at least try it
Thanks thats what they had said was to "build" one...I was like"what the f***I cant build a computer" lol...Im still researching it more
Those aren't loopholes, those are reasonable doubt.
Which are loopholes if the person is still obviously guilty but gets off on a technicality that took years to find...lots of people lack common sense anymore so more and more guilty people are getting off for stupid stuff all the time...before I straightened up and flew right I got out a bunch of trouble because I simple knew how to manipulate people.
What's "obviously guilty"? Lots of people were "obviously guilty" then later proven to be innocent of the crime. And those loopholes people b**** about aren't loopholes at all. To use your examples if a key witness dies before he can testify then obviously he cannot give his testimony in court. Really I have no idea why you'd call that a "loophole". If the defenant is a black man and the officer in charge of the case is known to be racist then how reliable is that officer's word in this case? Again, not a loophole.
Oh and thanks for twisting everything I said to fit your point of view...a key witness of someone allready on death row would obviously have already testified..I meant if they die then they make something up that only that witness can prove wrong but cant now...thats why I used the word "object"...and the racist cop I never said he wa in charge of the case...I meant the one who went to go arrest him and didnt handle the case at all just the handcuffs and he dropped the N bomb a couple times like why OJ got off...Im sure youll just keep arguing little points thought so it dont matter...and people wonder why are justice system is so flawed lmao
Those aren't loopholes, those are reasonable doubt.
Which are loopholes if the person is still obviously guilty but gets off on a technicality that took years to find...lots of people lack common sense anymore so more and more guilty people are getting off for stupid stuff all the time...before I straightened up and flew right I got out a bunch of trouble because I simple knew how to manipulate people.
What's "obviously guilty"? Lots of people were "obviously guilty" then later proven to be innocent of the crime. And those loopholes people b**** about aren't loopholes at all. To use your examples if a key witness dies before he can testify then obviously he cannot give his testimony in court. Really I have no idea why you'd call that a "loophole". If the defenant is a black man and the officer in charge of the case is known to be racist then how reliable is that officer's word in this case? Again, not a loophole.
Id like to thank was people like you that kept me from getting locked up when I use to rob people and stealall the time...luckily I changed when I joined the military but not everyone changes. I bet you think OJ and Casey Anthony cases were right huh lol..I think im done in this thread...have a good day
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