I LOVE ppl with commando...i can hear them with my headset (TBPX21s) all over the map...no ninja pro?? GET SMACKED! nuff said lolI put in about 30 hours into the multiplayer. It was fun and I do love the customization that went into the game. The only thing I dont like about the game are the killstreaks. In COD4 they were bearable, but it gets very annoying when you only get killed by harriers rather than an actual enemy player. If they had taken out the killstreaks and some of the perks (Im lookin' at you Commando:evil: ) then I would probably still be playing it.
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]Theres alot of different Aimbotz but most will not work online in a pub on mw2...the ones that do can somehow be detected and the whole lobby will be kicked out of the game if its detected...MOST Aimbotz also dont literally shoot or aim for you...MOST simply make all the other players appear in a "reddish thermal" even through walls...some botz even make it where radars always onmegaspiderweb09
You i actually started thinking that this must be the case lately.I was in a match last week and OMG all the stuffs i saw on killcam are crazy,people were killing me like they could see through walls.I guess its the relentless hacking thats ruined the experience for alot of people.Guess i should pick up Bad Company sometime soon so i dont get brain drain from trying to catch up with 12yr olds
Black Ops stated that it will not be nice to hackers/boosters/killstreakers....from what i understood people could still hack the leaderboards but then they have your name NUFF SAID...suppose to be harder to hack...and thye servers will be dedicated which means no ones host and can lag switch or use Botz and if they do theyll be hurting themselves just as much as everyone else so nothing to gain from it...i cant wait because i should be in the top 40 in the world on wins but thanks to hackers im like 2100 somethingSounds like a Rapid Fire controller to me...Their somewhat illegal in MLG matches but not really because theres no way to prove they have one...but one time I recorded someone on the other team shooting a single burst rifle (FAL) and emptying the clip in 2 seconds and they got a forfiet!There have been several matches were ud see people using the intervention sniper like an assault riffle,even doing bunny hopping with it.I also played a free for all game and the winner was using the intervention and shooting everyone like he was using an M4A1
Getting the kill is all that should matter...but in all fairness it is pretty easy to learn to quickscope in mw2...put them in the center of you aim sight, barely press the scope button...press fire button before you actually scope all the way in...BAM beautiful kill cam loli hate the sniping community in that game one time i was playing and some kid wanted to kill himself because he accidentaly hardscoped he woudnt stop yelling. It is also stupid because if you kill someone and its not a quickscope youll get yelled at
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