Smallvilles a great show but i never get to watch it D=, have my DVR recording shows at the time that it comes on. will bebuying the complete series when it's released tho XD. I bought Dexter season 1 when several coworkers told me it was excellent...i didnt get into it tho
you gotta get to the 2nd season when it gets really good on dexter...i got all the recent smallville season on black friday at best buy for 10 bucks each...the next black fridays coming up so id hold off untill then
If you like shooters, get a 360. Not only does it have Halo & Gears, but it also has a better controller for shooters as well as a larger online community for most shooters. I don't have the exact figures, but for example I know the online population for Halo 3 is much, much larger than that of KZ2. Most your friends have a 360 which is another plus, and the 360 has better social features for playing with friends also. As for RPGs, most are multiplat. Mass Effect 2 (and the first as well I'd assume) are going to the PS3, which leaves the 360 with Lost Odyssey & Tales of Vesperia (if you can read Japanese, you can get ToV on the PS3), while the PS3 has Demon's Souls & Valkyria Chronicles.
online population? idc what system your on you wont have any trouble with getting in a game and different ppl on like every match..heck i still play cod4 on ps3 and theres ALOT of ppl on all playlists...and as for the controller im assuming you havent heard of kontrol freek...THATS whats best for shooter regardless of the controller you put them on...Agree on the social features 100% though the ps3 is really bad in that area...oh and Halo and Gears and KZ2UGH i hate them you move SOOO slow...try a COD on Insane with kontrol freek
At the local JC Penny, there are iPODS in vending machines. Looks cool but I wouldn't want to get one there. I've never heard of airports selling electronics.patrickphan2
well Dallas airport is one of the biggest has a subway and moving walkways all over the ground...idk why itd be hard to beleive it has ipods vending machines lol
yea its really just at whoevers working discretion...they can return 100 xs for you if they sure theres a policy for them 2 follow but usualy retail places just wing it and do their own thing and have their own special set of rules that thier district manager implements...usually if the managers are cool you can get breaks...what applies at one gamestop might be different at another
I wish people didn't abuse this system because I have to return almost every used game from Gamestop simply because it doesn't play, not because I don't like it. It makes those of us with honest intentions seem like we're abusing the system, too.
that shouldnt be a problem if your simply wanting the same game because the other didnt work...otherwise by getting a dif game your doing the same thing...
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