I hate MW2 and I have a 1.38 & 1.40 K/D ratio(two accounts) so I guess I suck. So tell us o great wise one how to counter noobtubes, campers and cammando
ill tell you how i do...spawn noobtubes is easy just know them, you can also just beat them at thier own game, also blast shield come to mind...campers is easy you just have to know you spots well just like in a game battle, Higher sensetivity helps because say you run past a corner with a camper and he starts shooting you can whip around while dropshotting and smack him no problem once you get used to playing on insane itll be easy. alsocampers tend to always have the same spot every map so just check you spots quickly when going into a new area( insane helps this)..the commando is simple, just get a headset, you can hear anybody without ninja pro LONG before they even see you and just follow the sound and kill them
Wait you're saying he has to buy a headset and make his sensitivity retarted to be able to be good?
nah he asked how to counter said 3 things and i told them how i do...its my own preference and also my clans who is 111-5 in MLG gaming so im guessing it does work good...takes practice and habit to master but not hard for any true FPS gamer to adapt to....Also you can buy Kontrol Freeks for you controller if you are all over the place playing on insane...if you think not being able to turn the camera faster and basicly move faster and also hearing everyoness movenment and pinpointing their position as a advantage that would eventurally make you a better player then you my good sir obviously have not done so or youd know..also with a headset you can hear weapon changes and grenade throws so you can avoid them....and with sitrep pro you can hear ninja pro and it sounds like a stampede when ppl move so you can smack them....ppl think ppl cheat just because they shoot them through a wall but its easy with a headset because you can tell EXACTLY where they are even without seeing them...add FMJ into the mix and you have a deadly player no doubt
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