OfficerLeach_'s forum posts

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#1 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts



I hate MW2 and I have a 1.38 & 1.40 K/D ratio(two accounts) so I guess I suck. So tell us o great wise one how to counter noobtubes, campers and cammando


ill tell you how i do...spawn noobtubes is easy just know them, you can also just beat them at thier own game, also blast shield come to mind...campers is easy you just have to know you spots well just like in a game battle, Higher sensetivity helps because say you run past a corner with a camper and he starts shooting you can whip around while dropshotting and smack him no problem once you get used to playing on insane itll be easy. alsocampers tend to always have the same spot every map so just check you spots quickly when going into a new area( insane helps this)..the commando is simple, just get a headset, you can hear anybody without ninja pro LONG before they even see you and just follow the sound and kill them

Wait you're saying he has to buy a headset and make his sensitivity retarted to be able to be good?

nah he asked how to counter said 3 things and i told them how i do...its my own preference and also my clans who is 111-5 in MLG gaming so im guessing it does work good...takes practice and habit to master but not hard for any true FPS gamer to adapt to....Also you can buy Kontrol Freeks for you controller if you are all over the place playing on insane...if you think not being able to turn the camera faster and basicly move faster and also hearing everyoness movenment and pinpointing their position as a advantage that would eventurally make you a better player then you my good sir obviously have not done so or youd know..also with a headset you can hear weapon changes and grenade throws so you can avoid them....and with sitrep pro you can hear ninja pro and it sounds like a stampede when ppl move so you can smack them....ppl think ppl cheat just because they shoot them through a wall but its easy with a headset because you can tell EXACTLY where they are even without seeing them...add FMJ into the mix and you have a deadly player no doubt

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#2 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts


I love the game. The people who don't like and say Bad Company 2 is better are people who suck at the game and can't counter campers, noob tubers and commando's. They are also nerd thinking that they are original and cool. Btw Bad Company 2 is better if you like everyone spawning as snipers and camping and engineer's tank camping and gameplay that requires absolutely no skill.


I hate MW2 and I have a 1.38 & 1.40 K/D ratio(two accounts) so I guess I suck. So tell us o great wise one how to counter noobtubes, campers and cammando

ill tell you how i do...spawn noobtubes is easy just know them, you can also just beat them at thier own game, also blast shield come to mind...campers is easy you just have to know you spots well just like in a game battle, Higher sensetivity helps because say you run past a corner with a camper and he starts shooting you can whip around while dropshotting and smack him no problem once you get used to playing on insane itll be easy. alsocampers tend to always have the same spot every map so just check you spots quickly when going into a new area( insane helps this)..the commando is simple, just get a headset, you can hear anybody without ninja pro LONG before they even see you and just follow the sound and kill them

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#3 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

[QUOTE="Diviniuz"]Issue is: The Manager reserves the right to refuse returns. So if you keep doing it, they will catch on and stop youerglesmergle

Where does it say that? Ive never seen that on the receipt. The receipt is an agreement.

reatailers can pretty much do whatever they want..they have the right 2 refuse service to anybody and they dont have to give a reason why either...most the time they dont care but if your a jerk then they can tell you to leave and never come back or its tresspassing and not get in trouble for it...and you dont have to be the manager either....thats just a right that retailers have by law

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#4 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

I think every reasonable person in SW knows that PC gaming owns.

Of course it's not for everyone as some knowledge is required.


i dont know anyone in my age group that uses pc to game...they use thier iphone 2 get on fb and only use pc in the college classes..i think it more of a age thing then a knowledge...pc gamers tend to be older least from my veiw and what ive encountered

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#5 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

I love it. Don't care what rest of GS thinks.Chiddaling

respectable :)... i do like it alot..but i also agree they messed it up in alot of areas IMO..if you a avid COD player i really cant see how you couldnt agree?? i mean all the top ppl in the world on MW2 that i know have moved to different game now(mostly cod4)

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#6 OfficerLeach_
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[QUOTE="gamer620"] Uh... i think thats a 7 day return rate for games that are defective, not that "you don't like" as far as I know they give you a REPLACEMENT copy... gamer620

No, they let you exchange the game for another of equal or lesser value. I've never done it, but I don't think they care what your reason was for returning it. Just don't make a habit out of it and you shouldn't have any problems.

You have never done it... do you know someone who has? As far as I know (and have been told) its only on defective products. Besides, i doubt the majority of people have that sort of time on their hands where they can complete most games in a 7 day span anyways...

youd think that but you also would think people wouldnt have time to post 5 billion posts but they do..i play alot of games since i got put on probation for being stupid so i find myself spending alot of time playing games waayyyy to much lol..but hey keeps me out of trouble :D

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#7 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts



I love the game. The people who don't like and say Bad Company 2 is better are people who suck at the game and can't counter campers, noob tubers and commando's. They are also nerd thinking that they are original and cool. Btw Bad Company 2 is better if you like everyone spawning as snipers and camping and engineer's tank camping and gameplay that requires absolutely no skill.


Check out my K/D ratio, my score/minute, and favorite class in my sig. Then say that again.

And I thought MW2 was an unbalanced mess of garbage.

Further proof that the game requires no skill. You are probably a noob in MW2 finishing with a poor kd

well if your going to use that then id like to say im in the top 50(after the hackers) in winsand i dont like the game nearly as much as cod4 or waw... its way to noob friendy...aim assist...shotguns...lots of camping spots...being the beast that i am i have no trouble getting 10+ kills on a game of search and destroy because i tend to sound W**** lol...the game is pretty bad though i just have a clan that is always one it so yea...and i do alot of MLG GB on it which is completely different...its alot better but nothings better then putting on marathon lightweight and ninja pro and running around dropshotiting and smacking noobs every now and then..the games way to easy to be good at and it does require skill but that skill is easily attained for even the most stupid of noobs...

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#8 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts


I wish people didn't abuse this system because I have to return almost every used game from Gamestop simply because it doesn't play, not because I don't like it. It makes those of us with honest intentions seem like we're abusing the system, too.


Buy the game new then and avoid the problem?

haha def! thats what i do...if im not sure if ill like it ill just rent it on gamefly and ive never gotten a messed up game from them also

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#9 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]lmao its sad how some ppl think sooo hard they cant see the simple things in life...fact is your using technicalities to support you beliefs..yea it might of been messed up...yea the game might be the only copy they have (yea right)...fact is if you do it enought the workers there will think you doing the same thing as the ppl getting the free games...that was my you twisted it and got confused is beyond me but hey nice try


It's sad some people have so little intellect they do not understand the most simple of concepts, or cannot even grasp the English language. See wut I did thur? You tried to say the two things are the same, which they clearly aren't. From your first post, which is clearly different from what you're trying to say is your point: ".otherwise by getting a dif game your doing the same thing..." The fact is, it's not as if someone with a legitimate reason is going to be returning every single used game they buy, unlike the people trying to exploit the system. So no, it's not going to look like the they're the same thing. Nonetheless, I'm done trying to explain to someone who clearly does not understand.

lol good i was wondering when you was going to get done arguing your just to stubborn and literal which is quite a sad wayy to live but hey if thinking your smarter and wiser is fun then go ahead and keep downsizing ppl idc i know im much better off in life so go ahead bud...and you do have to take almost every game back used just so you know :)...done trying to explain to someone who obviously just wants to argue lil points that dont matter and cant see the big picture...nuff said im done kid

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#10 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts


[QUOTE="bleehum"] Uhhh yeahhh, it's definitely not the same thing. If someone decides to get a different used game because the one they bought didn't work, it's not even close to the same thing. I'd like to know how you came to the conclusion it's the same thing as returning a used game each time before the 7 days so you essentially get free games.


wow bro...look from a manager at lets say gamestop point of veiw...someone brings a game in...they say hey this game is messed up wont work i want the same could that be wrong?? ok now same person comes in and wants a dif game...ok sure this one time same thing...same thing after that..and that...every time you buy 1 game you play it and get another...regardless of whether its bad intentions or not its going to look bad...KEY POINT: wanting the same game for a game you bought and didnt work makes perfect sense...i mean me personally if i bought it its because i wanted to play it bad...why would i get a different game? ...easy enough for you?

Yeah, just because he decides to get a different game doesn't mean he's doing the same thing as someone who returns used games every time even if they work. They could possibly only have one used copy, or someone could simply change their mind as to what game they want. Point is, it's NOT the same thing, not even remotely. Those people actually have a legitimate reason, rather than those who seek to abuse the system. Not to mention, those who return a game because it doesn't work and decide to get a different game, most likely don't just return the game before the 7 days so they can play it for free. Sadly, this is just a reiteration of my last post, because you can't seem to grasp this simple concept.

lmao its sad how some ppl think sooo hard they cant see the simple things in life...fact is your using technicalities to support you beliefs..yea it might of been messed up...yea the game might be the only copy they have (yea right)...fact is if you do it enought the workers there will think you doing the same thing as the ppl getting the free games...that was my you twisted it and got confused is beyond me but hey nice try