Black Fridays coming up soon and you can get you console, games, and accesories you want all for a lot cheaper..A LOT
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
I just bought UT3 for PS3. I know its old, but wow..Its miles ahead of Gears,Halo,and even CODMW. Its so much like oldschool UT...AND thats a good thing. Its really incredible. PLUS for you complainers out there, it even has full m/k use. AND YES you can BIND any key on your keyboard to any action you want. I cant emagine why this game isnt still being played by MILLIONS with the mods,m/k, options..
Incredible game...
no one plays it one was ever online on it...idk why i agree it was pretty good game for its genre
Yea you're right. Sony should "step their game up."
matter fact get a escalator....lmao sorry had to say that...ummm i dont play the arcade idc which has the better ones...maybe if they quit making full games i might care but ill probally just get a life if they did that
those monitor frames, vertical and horizonatal lines would annoy the hell of me, its like your inside a cage while playing it, rather play it on a big screen tv than multiple monitorjohnlennon28
AGREE...i hate when theres even a smudge let alone lines running through my screen lmao
Wait you're saying he has to buy a headset and make his sensitivity retarted to be able to be good?
nah he asked how to counter said 3 things and i told them how i do...its my own preference and also my clans who is 111-5 in MLG gaming so im guessing it does work good...takes practice and habit to master but not hard for any true FPS gamer to adapt to....Also you can buy Kontrol Freeks for you controller if you are all over the place playing on insane...if you think not being able to turn the camera faster and basicly move faster and also hearing everyoness movenment and pinpointing their position as a advantage that would eventurally make you a better player then you my good sir obviously have not done so or youd know..also with a headset you can hear weapon changes and grenade throws so you can avoid them....and with sitrep pro you can hear ninja pro and it sounds like a stampede when ppl move so you can smack them....ppl think ppl cheat just because they shoot them through a wall but its easy with a headset because you can tell EXACTLY where they are even without seeing them...add FMJ into the mix and you have a deadly player no doubt
With all due respect, these are the reasons why the mp game is bad, and broken for that matter. Players shouldn't have to play the game a certain way--it shouldn't be balanced. Not completely related, but there's a reason Street Fighter is considered the best fighting game out there.
some people like it some dont...of course im willing to bet that most ppl who hate the game suck at it...but hey im on your side bud i agree its not good like cod4 was but part of being a gamer is adapting and accepting the new style of gameplays out there...all im saying is most the reasons i see ppl saying they hate it is something thats easily avoided or just tired of the game i worked my way through the ranks and leaderboards and im high on everything and im just bored of it now its way to easy and its way to noob friendly...i say they bringgameplay styleback from cod4 minus the 3 frag so no nade spamming and then add big maps like BFBC2 and you got yourself a good game then!
4 hour story mode CHECK
completely rehashed/imbalanced MP due to KS rewards CHECK
yea its a lil frustrating when someone gets lucky camping and gets a pavelow but hey thats what cold blooded and stingers are put in the game as well so i wouldnt say its imbalanced...also if someones better and does better i dont see how rewarding them for it is unfair thats how real life is when it come to a job
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