all the ppl i know who got 360 when they came out have gone through at least 1 or 2...the highest 7...its sad their just now coming out with one that is suppose to fix all the problems ppl had with yet again xbox users have to get another 360....i think i just solved the mystery why the 360 was outselling the ps3!! friend left his 360 and Reach at my apt like 1 month now and i got addicted so i might just have to get my 1st one soon
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
i noticed alot more younger kids on 360...parents just buy them the 360 cuzu can get themcheaper and so theyll leave them alone....all wii ppl i know are either college stoners or girls...then again i dont associate with kids so idk lol
eh most exclusives i dont even games are usualy multiplat...ill be on medal of honor and black ops for quite awhile
cant wait for Bops to come im sick of Reach already its so boring...haha most ppl cant handle the COD experience they get wall banged by ppl like me and my clan rushing them and dropshotting them so they mad because they cant move at afast pace and dont have the skill to kill me before i kill themeven if they start shooting first behind me haha...i dont want huge maps where it takes 20 min to find someone and bad people can be good like every other FPS game...maybe you guys should go play mario kart since you cant handle a real FPS challenge for people with quick hands and outsmarting skill i love it...MW2 got boring cuz all the hackers i should be in the top 20 in wins but everyones hacking now so i gave up playing it
I don't even see the point of you linking that. He was just mentionning dropshots which are very useful in COD:
"In Call of Duty, drop shotting is a tactic used to briefly evade enemy fire while returning fire, often keeping the dropping player alive long enough to get a kill. It is most effective with automatic weapons. Also known as 'fish flopping' or simply 'fishing'. It involves the player going prone while firing at an enemy to evade their fire.
And that link doesn't answer anything about CS vs Halo.
i quoted the wrong post.... i fixed it.
lol it happens bro...kind like how it just happened that im sitting here talking bad on Reach and now im going ot have to play it if i want to game today...i guess psn is down over the new 3d bluray update and everyones crap is saying thier password is wrong....well idk about everyone but all my friend who i texted to see if they could get on and the only game i got on 360 is Reach(just bought Reach bundle)...maybe ill start liking it more? nahhhhh lol
I'd like to see a vid of you "pointing your gun at a corner and waiting for someone" and see how long that lasts.
You've obviously never played CS.
how bout a professional CS player in a $100,000 match doing it?
What the guy means is just because you "point your gun at a corner and wait for someone" doesn't mean you'll get a kill. Especially playing against good players. They'll pop out of that corner and massacre you before you even have time to react even though you were the one waiting.
EXACTLY!! Theres always a way to counter campers...knowing the camping spots being the best...high sensitivity so when you bust in a room you can check all corners quickly or say you running and get a shot from behind just whip around quickly dropshot(COD) or jump(every other FPS) and if you got good control and accuracy youll be fine...having a good headset helps i have tritton ax pros and i can hear people pulling pins out of grenades across the map and footsteps and reloading or weapon change...rrrrr i hate campers but i love killing them
[QUOTE="OfficerLeach_"]Noob friendly?? Yea....rightI got to warrant officer grade 2 then i was just to boring for move sooooo slow and sensetivity at its highest you can still barely turn around quick enough to shoot someone behind you spend half of the round or more simply running around looking for people...for as big as the maps are they need to allow more players in a lobby...its way to easy and takes no skill to be good at(its my first halo game and i was always getting the top score in lobbies against people who played all of them)...its way to "noob friendly"...the game modes were alot of fun like rocket fight and infection but that didnt make up for all the other problems I had with it...I liked the campaign though it was very good but a bit depressing especially *SPOILER*the end when you beat the game and just have to kill enemies untill you die
yea your right maybe not the best wording...i dont mean it like where a bad person with 1 arm can do really good i meant its easy for players with no prior halo or maybe even xbox experience to do good right off the bat...i mean look at COD theres alot of ways to smack the noobs around in the lobbies there you can spawn snipe, quickscope, half scope, no scope, dropshot,snaking, high sense so you can turn around QUICK if you hear somebody behind you or you start getting shot at or just mastering it so you can move quicker and be looking all around you, learning how to use your headset to shoot people through walls or sound******* people all over the map without ninja pro...what can you do in halo? jump and throw grenades ...nice....its easy togain rank and scoreat halo whether your bad or good..but its funny how all the kids who play halo and battlfield and killzoneare bad at COD lol
..oh do tell[QUOTE="campzor"][QUOTE="markinthedark"]
yea next halo will be compared to CS... because PC gamers think CS is some sort of godly online FPS and thats all they ever talk about.
and in terms of skill, its not even the best on PC.. quake is infinitely more difficult... because quake has alot of the same elements as halo.
Both require aiming and dodging simultaneously... both require more hits to earn a kill meaning a noob cant kill an experienced player just because he managed to get the drop on them... and both require controlling and timing powerup respawns.
counterstrike... you point your gun at a corner and wait for someone to walk around.... very much like modern warfare 2.
lol yea rightthe "aiming and dodging" is autoaim the person and get a headshot...waayyyyy to easy...i think the fact i was so good at reach right from the get go and it being so easy for me despite it being my first time with a xbox controller and on a halo game was because i was so damn good at MW2 and all CODand Halo was a downgrade in skill for me so i was smacking kids left and right rushing me halo,killzone, battlfield, Medal of Honor,and Resistance were all the same...same clunky controls and same easy autoaim same low sensetivity....just different maps and different armor and somewhat different game modesbut same gameplay..
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