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#1 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

most of the stuff on live i find useless...i get on to play reach and thats it...i do the same for MoH and MW2 but on my PS3 for free...if i had to cut cost live would be the 1st to go i dont have time for all the useless features im all about just playing the game alot

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#2 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

i got the 80gb launch...i went and bought some classics PSonei wanted when i got back from the army(FF7,Legends of Dragoon,MGS,and the Resident Evils) then i realized most of the best playstation games are in the Playstation Store so i didnt even need to get the actual disc and have to have BC....

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#4 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

COD is great alot of people dont like it because its more fast paced and alot of stuff you have to master so your always top (dropshotting,Soundwh**ing,quickscoping,along with a good perk and killstreak setup),most people just plain suck when they go against good people so they say its a bad game when they themselves are just bad...They cry about getting smacked now Treyarc made a CODwe have to deal with coming out that seems to be like all the other lame SLOW PACEDFPS (BFBC2,REACH, AND KZ2)that are "balanced"..whatever you crybabies ruined a perfectly good game that took skill to be good at

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#5 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

i think kinect and move are both stupid but some ppl get in to that sort of thing? ill stick to the controller until the tech gets alot better along with the games actually being good ones

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#6 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts


A better question - why are you getting so worked up over something like this?:|


Damage control thread:P.

probally another reason the TC hasnt came on in awhile...anytime anyone has something to say ppl have a category to put them in and downsize what they matter the topic ppl seem to have something useless and annoyingly smart to say

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#8 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

when people walk in the stores next month they will see 15 kinect games on the shelvs. meanwhile for move there will be like 5. the people that they are both after this holidaywont care about patches of older games sony has plans for. all they will care about is what they can see. so unless sony does recalls on every single old games that hasnt sold yet those games wont help them.

im sure im wong about move only having 5 move retail games out right now. but its pretty close to that. sony needs to either recall or even spend some money on some move support stickers or they are toast imo


good for you? either way the whole motion sensing is lame at this point in tech

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#9 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts

IGN's Arthur Gies thought it odd when Sony PR man Jack Tretton claimed that 1M units of the PlayStation Move had been sold in the United States.

As it is, his suspicions were correct.

Sony confirmed that one million units were not sold; rather, that figure was the number of units shipped to stores.

Sony did not disclose actual sales figures. Previousanalyst estimates indicate, however, that Move U.S. sales were around 300,000 units in September.

Tretton's response? "Retail demand is incredibly strong and we're working hard to keep the product in stock. We believe consumers have already shown their preference for a precise, interactive game experience", which sounds suspiciously like Tretton talking about PlayStation 3 "shortages". Will he be offering $1200 for each unsold Move?

Other Jack Tretton lies:

  • "The PSP owns the DS." (Wrong even in 2006, laughably wrong now.)
  • "I'll pay you $1200 for every unsold PS3." (February 2007, when Tretton claimed PS3's were selling out and had a shortage. He owes Gabe and Tycho $132,000.)
  • "PlayStation 3 is most dominant." (July 2007, while the PS3 is having is price slashed 8 months after release)
  • "We killed backwards compatibility because it's last gen" (October 2007, Tretton admitted it was to spur flagging PS3 game sales)
  • "PS3 sold better in '08 than '07." (July 2009, the PS3 sold roughly 30% worse in 2008 than 2007)
  • "More than 70 new titles are coming to the PSP by December." (E3 2010, the PSP didn't have 70 titles the entire year.)
  • "The Move will make you better at games." (July 2010, an obvious lie or just plain stupidity? You pick.)
wow all this work for nothing haha look at you go...what is the point of this? every company exagerates its sells in this way or twists words around to make them look long did it take you to compile all this useless info that ill forget before i go to bed?
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#10 OfficerLeach_
Member since 2010 • 419 Posts


First things first the memory card was not PS2 exclusive.the PS1,DC,N64 and Saturn all had Memory cards,but just just so you know the HDD was Sony's idea to begin with i can tell you that because i was there when the PS2 was building hype,i read what it was suppose to have inside on its back,in fact the hole in the back of the PS2 which has since launch in march 2000 was for an HDD,MS just copy and pasted what sony would do with the PS2,a move that we all know costed them 4 billions,also from launch the PS2 had 3rd party memory cards i know,because the first i had was 3rd party.

And in fact Sony sold a 40GB HDD for PS2 with FF 11 for the same price of what MS sold a 20GB HDD for the xbox 360.

The PS2 network adapter was $39.99,and allowed you for free online play for ever,compare that the xbox which had an ethernet port but MS charged you if you wanted to use it for online games,i guess you forget that live has always been charge to play.

Also my PS2 allowed me to see movies out of the box,on the xbox i had to buy a separate remote in order to watch movies,even that the xbox had a DVD drive,with the horrible excuse that dvd movies should be enjoy with a good remote they software lucked movies.

I guess you forgot that one to.

And that last part about wanting the PS2 to read games after 2 years is a joke,mine still play them to this day,oh by the way the original xbox also had read problems,in fact several million xbox came equiped with a thomsome drive that were very pront to failure,not that the phillips and samsung drives were not safe from failure but they fail allot less than the Thomsome i know i replace mine.


1.harddrive support and use on the original xbox destroyed the ps2 offerings completely and utterly hardly any games used the ps2 hard drive sony would constantly make developers remove Hard drive functions from games when releasing them in america from japan and they eventually phased the hard drive out of the the ps2 completely.

2.the ps2's online offerings were complete and utter crap the original xbox and xbox live completely destroyed utterly anything the ps2 offered with more games that had online support, better faster servers, its games stayed up till just this year unlike ps2 where games didn't last forever the majority of ps2 games online servers were shut down years ago often games servers would get shutdown after a years time not like the original xbox where 99% of every thing still ran and worked till april or so of this year. P.S: Microsoft wasn't successfully taken to court and settled out of court over original xbox issues...Sony WAS taken to court, settled out of court for ps2 issues.

Because Sony is not a software company like MS is,MS did a better implementasion just like they have done with live now and the OS,because software is MS strong point,but the point stand it was sony's idea no MS.

Actually one of the best games online last gen was Socom 2,in fact the first game to have voice chat on either console was Socom,but my point wasn't about what destroyed what so nice try,my point was that he say sony over charged for a network adapter that was 39.99 when MS over charged even more for allowing you to play online.

wow you kids care way to much...i bet you guys spend more time on here then actually playing whatever console huh