how would a soldier get put in a situation where hed need to "camp"?? US Army just goes in bombs everything and uses masses to use that excuse is silly i think..yea maybe in a special ops mission whena small unitgo into enemy lines of course thier not going to just be running around shooting gunsbut thats just thier training going to work...i was in iraq and we did not "camp" so people in a video game defshouldnt...thier scared to die in a game and their annoying...still though thier easy to kill i think if you know your spots and are quick with you ops score per minute ranking makes campers low ranked anyway so let them camp
OfficerLeach_'s forum posts
none of my consoles ever messed up not even my dreamcast:p except about a month ago my ps3 stopped readingblu ray disksbut it was a launch system and i did play quite a bit....i sold the system for 300 bucks along with all my games and controllers and ps3 eye and bought a ps3 slim with black ops....problem solved
ive went through all the tritton, TB, and Astros....first let me tell you astros are horrible for the money...thier glorified TB's with the MLG sticker...tritton 720s are bad also its not even real surround sound its "simulated" 40 more bucks gets you real surround sound and a better amp box also...I was surprized that my TB PX21s were better then alot of the more expensive ones even without surround sound...i use Tritton AX PROs now and the sounds incredible but really i just like the adjustible volumes for sound who*ing ppl out of my view and so they cant sneak up on me(you can hear ppl pulling pins out of grenades across the mapnuff said)...$70 PX21 or $180 AX PROs are what all the MLG ppl i play with use and what i would reccomend...PS if you do get TB PX21s make sure to get the warranty...they break easy
Well (I previously learned this through my younger bro The-Magus-D), the term 'wall bang' is when you kill someone by shooting them through a wall, I think. Not sure what 'lung swapping' is :?.
all the ppl i know say wall banged for what you said but mainly when you completely emabarass someone like they started shooting you from behind and you dropshot while spinning and kill them before you die and get up and keep going where you was headed. "get wallbanged kid"
[QUOTE="yugioh3ds"][QUOTE="Birdy09"] yea because your cant spot that tripod'd camera and just shoot it right?Birdy09
it doesn't matter if you can shoot them...
camping cameras are still camping cameras
Only bad gamers whine about campers, a known camper is just as fragile as the true...ill find a way to get kills no matter if their camping or noobtubing
maybe why they raised price of Live? its just a little bit but that many ppl paying that little bit is alot...i dont think this would affect the 360 that much though
[QUOTE="danjammer69"]Did you know what you are doing is illegal?Yes.
Also, I won a PS2 back in 2003 from my former employer. Brand new, Disc Read Error right out of the damned box. I bought another at Wal-Mart, switched the scannable serial number that shows from the bottom of the unit, through the box, and then returned it for my money back and a working PS2.
sadly its not safe to buy used xboxes half the time...people will buy a parts only 360 online then go buy a new one and switch the number or just the whole case then return it...ALOT of people do it the new slims are suppose to be harder to do though
just recently my ps3 started acting takes about 10 min of being on before itll read any ps3 game but itll play dvds right not sure if this is signs of my lens going out which i cleaned or it just getting older(80launch) and slower idk ...then my friends 360 well he was letting me borrow it to play halo
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