I'm from Europe (Belgium), and i do not like the us for the following reasons: religious influence (one of the most developed nations in the world, yet its also one of the most fanatic nations of the world, the president can not be elected when he's an atheist lol, creatonisme is actually debatable, ...)
very conservative popluation (prob. due to my first dislike (religion) gay people are still looked down upon and a lot of americans would deny them their rights on marriage and child adoption, friggin abortion, war on drugs, easy to get guns (16 was it? while you guys can only buy a beer when your what... 21? lol))
Corperate environment (the rich get richer (look how you guys really don't want the rich to pay taxes), the poor get poorer and sicker (a lot of you americans really hate the idea that you can get free (quality) education and healthcare)
Republicans (if they win the upcomming election i think the world will come to an end, really... (global warming, shifting of economie and global powers))
Anti-science (again! because of religious influence, the american scientific communties are tied with their hand on their back to find funding for their research: (stem cells!)
But I also like the united states: sciencetific progress (a lot of sciences have to thank the us for breakthroughs in their fields, for example: i'm a researcher in neuropsychology, and a lot of the information from my eduction was from american neurlogists and psychologists) => yes i realise i made a contradiction but thats how your country is, plain weird.
Art (their are lots of americans artists who are very talented, you guys should be proud on that)
Well, i can't think about anything more (i really try) :P
Also, american liberals get my upmost respect, for keeping their sanity, I'm always shocked in disbelief when i read something about America on topics of gays/drugs/religion influence/death penality/guns/etc...
Your country is just so weird and unreal for most europeans (those crazy americans :D)
IDK where you get your info lol...maybe you actually have to live here? Religious people are a minority, real ones anyway, who actually follow their teachings...Gays are considered funny and cool and made to be popular, they have TV shows all over the US...Guns you have to be 18 or 21and while some states are easy going on this most will throw you in jail over tiny stipulations on gun laws, 10 years for every bullet in an automatic for example in Louisana...Your right about the corporations and the rich staying rich thats for damn sure but i thought it was everywhere?Science is Science and they are also blatantly pissing Religious fanatics here by its works and statements but thats your statement I disagree with the most...my opinion about it all? I think either the new and improved young people in america mostly dont vote and only the old fashioned and old people do....Or I think it doesnt matter who we vote for and that its all pre-planned whats going to happen....but for the most part the Goverment doesnt represent the majority of Americans very well, Ill agree with that.
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