American consumer culture. People are no longer indentified by their own personality traits or character. It's about what car you drive, what brands of clothing you buy, whether you use a Mac or a PC, whether you game on Platform X over Platform Y. People always want to feel special about something, and the advertising wings of corporations have exploited that through the decades by pushing the idea that if you are loyal to a certain brand, it says something positive about your worth as a human being. It's exactly how brands that market **** non-utilitarian products manage to become the most successful, and frankly it fukin disgusts me. It is by far the biggest monkey wrench thrown into the American capitalistic system, where the products with the best advertising and marketing succeed over the ones that offer the best quality.
Olidsc's forum posts
Best multiplayer game ever: Starcraft
Best singleplayer game ever: Uh, Deus ex or Yoshi's island (yeah, they're pretty dissimilar, I know).
The answer is the Donkey Kong series.
Heck actually I'm going to go one step farther and say all SNES games made by rare (and to an extent the n64 games too) had incredibly good music. Killer Instinct anyone?
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